5 Ways to Break Up Your Day as a Freelancer

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you’re a freelancer, it can be hard to get away from your desk- and it can sometimes feel like you never get chance to take a break.

However, sometimes taking a break is the best way to improve your productivity– and sitting at your desk all day long can be counter-intuitive.

If you have trouble leaving your desk, don’t worry! I’m the same, and I’ve found a few simple ways to break up my day as a freelancer.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 5 ways to break up your day as a freelancer

1. Get active

One of the best ways to break up your day is to get active. Go for a walk, head to the gym or do a home workout to take your mind off work and get a much-needed break.

I like to go for a walk after lunch. I’ve found that giving myself this break actually makes me more productive and energetic in the afternoon- and it’s a nice change from sitting at my desk.

2. Work somewhere else

If you want to break up your day as a freelancer, it can be helpful to work somewhere other than your usual spot. Sitting at the same desk every hour of every day can get a bit boring, and it’s definitely not inspiring!

Take a trip to your local café or switch to a different room. From freelance translation services to blogging, most online freelance work can be completed anywhere- and the change of scenery might help you clear your head.

3. Meet up with someone

I love meeting up with friends and family during the day, such as going for lunch or even just a quick coffee.

It’s nice to have a chat with someone, especially as freelancing can become quite isolating if you don’t surround yourself with other people.

You could also chat to a friend on the phone to break up your day, especially if you’re feeling a bit stressed or you need a distraction.

4. Make your favourite food

One of the best ways to break up your day as a freelancer is to make some of your favourite foods. In particular, don’t forget to give yourself a proper lunch break- just like you would if you were working in a “traditional” job.

Give yourself an hour or even just half an hour to decompress, watch some TV or step away from the screen. You’ll definitely feel better for it!

If you’re looking for a few lunch ideas, check out my post: 17 Easy Lunch Ideas for Remote Workers

5. Run some errands

It might not seem like it, but running errands is such a great way to distance yourself from work.

Go out to the shops for some food or do your housework. These tasks will take your mind off work and give you some space. Once you get back to your desk afterwards, you might even feel a little more inspired.

How do you like to break up your day? Do you agree with my ideas? How do you take regular breaks from your freelance work?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

74 thoughts

  1. These are good tips. Something I need now. I’ve been working myself too hard these days. My mother advices me to take a brisk walk every morning before I started working and in the afternoon as well. So far it helps me to relax.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some great tips. Now that the weather is coming warmer and sunnier, I think I will be walking more. At the moment, I cannot do much working out as I would like. As I am always in pain from everything that I do in my current job. Hopefully soon. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been getting more active when I’m home and started taking more walks outside now that the weather is getting nicer. Great tips!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Here from Lashaan’s follow recommendation.

    I’m not a freelancer, but I mostly work from home and the monotony can definitely creep in. Getting active is my favorite. Going for a walk makes a world of difference. Alternatively, I read or do a jigsaw puzzle.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are some great suggestions on how you can break up your day if you work freelance. When I am working on my blog at home, I set mini goals/tasks and then I will do a household chore, or have a break with lunch and watch some tv or play a game on my phone. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.

    Lauren – bournemouthgirl

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely tips, I love all of them! I do freelance translation, so working at a local cafe has helped my mental health massively! Thank you so much for sharing x Penny | whatdidshetype.com

    Liked by 1 person

  7. All sound advice. When you’re working from home, it’s really easy to stop doing stuff like that, especially during the covid. Although this isn’t quite as good an option, you can also take a break to watch an episode of something or just stepping out into the garden for a coffee (if you have a garden or like coffee)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You’ve shared some great tips here lovely! When I need a break I’ll defiantly be keeping these in mind. I’m much more productive if I have something to break up my day. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This post is VERY helpful even just to me, as a content creator and blogger! I always have to take interval breaks so I don’t get overly consumed in my work to the point where I feel burnt out.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This was a very helpful read to us bloggers. It’s hard to know when to take breaks as a blogger because we sometimes don’t have set schedules. We work in between our full time jobs or when we have time. I try to make sure to take breaks, eat meals in between & run errands to break up my day [ like you suggest]. This will ultimately help prevent burn out.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I am not a freelancer but these are some great tips! I work from home most of the time with my full time job so breaking up my day is important for me too, just because I hate sitting down all that time. I always try to walk on my lunch break for 10 minutes, or I will do a skipping exercise in the garden. I also take regular breaks from the screen xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou! Yes that’s so true, breaking up your work day is necessary for mental health and productivity 🙂 I have to get up for short walks too, otherwise my legs get so achy…. thank you for sharing your thoughts here x


  12. These are all amazing tips! Haven’t taken the step yet to go freelance, but these tips will surely be helpful in the future! Breaking up the day by doing errands going for a walk or even read a chapter can really help x

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Love all these ideas Eleanor. Even as a Blogger/occasional writer I do find that changing my location/scenery helps me massively when I’ve work to do! 😊
    Also going for a run really helps too Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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