How to Build a Loyal Online Following + 4 Top Tips

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

A loyal following is an important aspect of any online space, but it can be hard to achieve if you don’t know where to start.

Whether you’re a blogger, a freelancer or an online user- there are a few ways to ensure that your readers stay engaged and trust your content from day one.

Why is it important to build a loyal online following?

Building an online following is one thing, but building a loyal online following is something entirely different.

A loyal follower comes back to your content again and again, choosing to read your blog posts or social content because they know that they’re getting quality content that they can trust.

person using laptop to build a loyal online following

As I think we all know, there is a lot of nonsense online!

From boring articles to pure misinformation, we all crave authentic voices in our lives- and your blog or social media channel could be the place to offer that.

A loyal online following can help you too! For freelancers and bloggers, loyal followers are more likely to connect to your blog content.

Depending on your goals, this might mean more genuine views and shares, or it might mean more clients will approach you for work or to buy your services.

person using laptop to build an engaged online following

A loyal online following can help people in all professions, from freelance translators to lifestyle bloggers.

In this post, I’ve put together 4 top tips to build a loyal online following, including ideas that you can use on your blog, in your writing or across your social media channels

Quality not quantity

You will hear this again and again, but quality always trumps quantity!

If you run a blog, choose to write posts that make you proud, producing content that you know will interest your readers.

I’ve been in a position before when I’ve not had chance to update my blog- and so I’ve rushed a blog post to try and get something on there. However, there’s no point creating content just for the sake of it.

laptop on desk with open notebook and mug- how to build a loyal online following

You might end up with articles that are full of errors or that don’t really resonate with your readers.

Take time to write content that inspires you, and when you don’t have the time or motivation to write for your site- stop and pause for a bit!

Think about your audience

If you’re trying to build a loyal online following, it is so important to think about your audience.

For example, if you write about light-hearted lifestyle topics, a long, informative post about something technical probably won’t interest your readers.

"audience" written on a whiteboard in black marker

Or if your followers include lots of readers, writing a post that is negative towards books probably won’t resonate with them.

Think about what your readers might want to read, and they will be more likely to relate to your content.

This is central to building a loyal online following, including an audience that comes back to read your words again and again.

Pick and choose your opportunities

It can be so tempting to take all the opportunities that come your way, especially when you’re a blogger.

However, picking and choosing your jobs will help you maintain a loyal following and a trusting relationship with your readers.

scrabble tiles spelling out "trust"

If you decide to take a sponsored opportunity, make sure it is a good fit for your site.

This also means declaring any paid or affiliate posts, making your readers aware that there may be links in your post for which you receive money, but all thoughts are still genuine.

At the end of the day, your followers will appreciate that any content they consume is honest, and you will go that bit further to ensure their support and trust.

Get honest!

Get honest with your followers, and help them see you as a trustworthy content creator.

Readers want to see relatable content that engages them. You could write about how a certain issue affects you, or simply offer a fresh perspective on a relevant, current topic.

Open book with mug of coffee. The mug has "be honest" written on it

This can help readers understand that they are not alone- and people are much more likely to come back to your site if they know they will get honest, relatable content from you.

For example, you could write an honest post about:

  • Becoming a parent
  • Why you’re struggling with your career plans
  • How to balance kids and your job
  • Your honest thoughts on a popular TV show
  • How you’re trying to save money

… it could be about anything that relates to you personally!

At the end of the day, none of us want to read a post that is dishonest or that offers a perspective that no one can relate to- so get honest with your readers, and they will soon turn into loyal followers.

Do you have any advice for building a loyal online following? How do you like to engage with your readers? What is your top tip for anyone starting out in the blogging world?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments!

Happy reading x

39 thoughts

  1. I love this and the fact you mentioned quality over quantity. For a while now I’ve taken a step back from pressuring myself to constantly produce something and I am focusing on quality which (for me) is much more beneficial. Thanks for all the other tips and info too; I’m going to be making sure I nurture things a bit more.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a useful post Eleanor. I struggled with this for a little while because I was dealing with anxiety issues. Now I’m getting that under control, I feel
    I’m connecting more honestly. Hopefully my following will reflect that in time. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m sorry to hear that you struggled with anxiety, I’m the same, but you’ve definitely got this. Reaching out to people honestly is the most important thing- and every single person that connects with your writing is a win 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for this honest post! I think you are so right – there is really no point in creating content for the sake of it, or what doesn’t feel true to yourself or your readers. It is so obvious when that has been done. As I left social media several years ago, I’m really trying to focus on writing quality content on both my blog and Substack newsletter that I think readers and subscribers are actually interested in – and that’s made me a lot happier, too! : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes I agree, finding the content you love to write is so important. We can all get bogged down by social media and trying to fit writing formats that don’t suit us- but we should try and stay true to ourselves. I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed creating content on Substack and your blog 🙂 thank you for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

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