6 Tips to Come Up With Consistent Content

AD – This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Coming up with consistent content can be a struggle, especially if you’re a writer or creative. There are so many different ways to create content – and so many different types of content, too. You might want to produce content for:

  • Your blog
  • Your social media channels
  • Your company website
  • Your YouTube channel or podcast
  • Your passion project
  • Your Substack
  • Your creative writing project

… the list is endless!

Whether you provide great translation services to clients across the world, or you just love to post on social media as a freelancer or remote worker, we all need to come up with ideas for new content at some point.

In this guide, I’ve put together 6 tips to come up with consistent content!

The best ways to come up with consistent content include:

  1. Look through old content
  2. Create a content bank
  3. Use tools and resources
  4. Create a content calendar
  5. Repurpose your content
  6. Ask your audience

Let’s take a look at these aspects of content creation in a little more detail.

1. Look through old content

Looking through old content is a great place to start if you want to think of new content ideas. You could have a look through your Instagram grid for inspiration, or read a few old blog posts.

As a blogger, I often come up with loads of new ideas after reading through my current content. I might think about a way to expand on the same subject, or my reading might just spark new ideas for my blog.

Just because you’ve produced content about a topic before, it doesn’t mean there aren’t 100 more ways to explore the same subject.

2. Create a content bank

Creating a content bank is one of the best ways to come up with consistent content. Whenever I have an idea for a blog post, I write it down in my drafts. Sometimes I’ll start working on it straight away, sometimes I’ll leave it until later, or sometimes I won’t come back to it at all.

person using a laptop - black and white

A content bank takes the pressure out of constantly coming up with good ideas, and it means whenever you want to work on something new, you’ll have a couple of suggestions waiting for you.

Let’s be honest, you’re not going to be able to think of great ideas all the time. So every time you do have a flurry of inspiration, get your ideas into your content bank. You can come back to them whenever you want – and you’ll know you have a starting point when you’re next getting creative.

3. Use tools and resources

There are so many great tools and resources out there if you want to come up with consistent content for your remote work, blog, social media or business. Sites like Etsy often have tools that can help you plan out your content, such as:

I love reading posts from other bloggers with content ideas, such as this great post from Bournemouth Girl. Even if you don’t use the exact idea you read, you might be able to change it into something that works for you.

You could even use ChatGPT to bounce ideas for your content. For example, you can search for new blog post title ideas – and see if there’s one you want to choose – or ask it for social media prompts. It’s also great to bounce ideas with other people, as they might give you a bit of inspiration or feedback when you need it!

I explore this topic further in my ebook for blog writers – ‘The Art of Blog Writing’.

4. Create a content calendar

Creating a content calendar is a great way to track your content ideas. You could start by creating a few content pillars. These are subjects you want to feature on your YouTube channel, website or social media.

open diary - ways to come up with consistent content

For example, my blog content pillars might be freelance life, blogging and reading. From there, you can start to plan when you want to discuss each topic – and how you’re going to create great content that fits with your ideas.

Creating a content calendar can also help you feel more organised. You don’t have to stick to your exact timeframe – it’s all about taking control of your content and encouraging inspiration to strike.

5. Repurpose your content

Repurposing content is your secret weapon. Let’s say you write a blog post about something. Can you turn that blog post into a social media post? Or maybe make your blog post into a photo series? Or could you film a video around the same topic?

By repurposing your content, you have a never-ending stream of consistent content at your disposal. From podcast episodes to ebooks, there are so many ways to get your content out to more people in different forms.

6. Ask your audience

Asking your audience is a great way to come up with consistent content, whether it’s for your social media channel or blog. You could send a post out to your Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram community – or ask what your viewers want to see on YouTube.

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If you’re a blogger or freelancer, do a bit of research about what your loyal audience would like to read. You can also look at popular past posts to see what’s been popular for you before – and how you can capitalise on those ideas to create new content. If you’re looking for photography inspiration, scroll through Instagram and see if you get any ideas.

There are plenty of online tools that can help you see what people want from their content, such as forums or Google’s “People Also Ask” resource. You can also directly ask your readers or followers for feedback when you need it.

How do you come up with consistent content? How do you generate new ideas? What do you think of my content tips?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

23 thoughts

  1. I have a content bank to ensure there is always something for me to write about, though sometimes the inspiration just isn’t there! A content calendar is something I also have that has previously worked for me. Love these ideas x

    Liked by 1 person

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