Series Review: Gilmore Girls

Hello again, welcome back!

Today I thought I would write a review of Gilmore Girls, which is one of my favourite shows! I recently read ‘Talking as Fast as I Can’ by Lauren Graham, so check out my review for more about the making of this popular series.

I re-watch Gilmore Girls so much, and the fact that I know every line that is coming, and every witty remark before it’s even made, doesn’t seem to dampen my enjoyment. I watch it at Christmas when I’m back home for the holidays, with my sibling whenever we haven’t got something to watch, and when I feel like I need a little lift at University.

This is a series that really keeps giving, and it beings a smile to my face every time I watch it.

The characters in ‘Gilmore Girls’

One of the reasons I watch this show so much are the characters. While Lorelai and Rory are brilliant characters, every one of the characters in this show has a purpose, and they never fail to make me laugh or cry. There’s too many characters to name, but each and every one of them- from Luke to Kirk- plays a brilliant role in the lives of the Gilmore Girls.

I love Miss Patty, and her gossiping. I love Emily and Richard, especially when they support the girls and show their soft side. I love Jess, and I love to hate Dean. I love Michel and Sookie and the relationship they have together, keeping their inn running smoothly despite their different personalities.

I love all the minor characters like Marty, and Colin and Finn, and all they represent in Rory’s life. But my favourite characters are probably Lane and Paris. I think I actually liked Paris more than Rory at points in the series. Lane’s relationship with her mother is so funny, and then so touching, and Paris’ character is just so intense and intimidating that it makes for hilarious storylines.

I also love this series for the way it shows the progression of the characters. I’ll be watching Jess in series 2, and already I’ll be craving later episodes, where you see him and Luke start to bond. I love how tense relationships such as that between Mrs Kim and Lane, develop and mature with time, and those small moments of understanding between these characters are beautiful to watch.

I must be awful to watch this series with, as early on I’m always referencing things that happen later on, and I just love to watch the progression of these characters over time.

The writers of the series make you feel a real connection to not just the Gilmore Girls, but also the other characters, and I felt truly invested in the stories of all the characters. Especially Lane and Paris. Their stories are just so rewarding.

Feminism in ‘Gilmore Girls’

This series is also brilliant due to the strong female image presented by the main characters. The Gilmore Girls are strong women, and I loved Lorelai, and the fact that she brought Rory up at such a young age, and made a life for them, really encourages a strong image of women, and throughout the series there are endless references to powerful and inspiring women.

When Rory gives the speech at her high school graduation it brings me to tears every time, as she thanks her mother for all the strong female role models she filled their house with, and I always feel such a connection to my own upbringing, and the role models my parents surrounded me with. This series certainly spreads that important image of strong and independent women.

‘Gilmore Girls’ setting

Finally, the setting of this series is fantastic. The town of Stars Hollow is a funny and magical place, and I love the representation of small-town America. The way that characters such as Luke make fun of the traditions of the town, usually led by Taylor Doose, really makes for good viewing.

The ridiculousness of the small-town world, with carnival after carnival, really paints a funny picture and when Jess comes from New York, he finds it all a bit of a culture shock.

The ending

The original series has a fantastic ending, and I love how some aspects of the storyline are left open, despite everything coming to an end. It’s an emotional and exciting ending to a fantastic, touching and incredibly written series.

Overall this really is the series that keeps on giving!

I never tire of watching it over and over, and it’s the wit and humour, as well as the touching moments, that I crave when I feel down, or just when I need to put something on in the background.

I have never watched a series which draws me in so much, and makes me feel like I am really a part of the lives of the characters. I can relate to this series in many ways, and I will continue to watch it for many many years to come.

What do you think of my review of ‘Gilmore Girls’? Would you like to give this show a go? Who is your favourite character in ‘Gilmore Girls’?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Picture credits here

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

33 thoughts

  1. I love Gilmore Girls and I am also someone who can rewatch them endlessly. I totally agree about the Rory thing though when I originally watched it I thought I was going to have to give up on it because I really was beginning to go off her character, I was so glad when she pulls herself together 🙂

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  2. I loved Gilmore Girls, or most of it anyway. The Logan stuff was disappointing, and even more so in A Year in the Life (Did you see that?) I also skipped some of the Christopher/Lorelai episodes in later seasons because I’m a big Lorelai/Luke fan 🙂

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    1. I completely agree! I think after her first year in college I lose interest a bit- some of the Logan stuff is good, but I wasn’t as keen on Rory’s character the further it got through the series’. And yes, Year in the Life was disappointing 😦

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  3. I agree with you about Rory. I really hated Logan out of all of Rory’s interests, and it is because he makes her into the girl that Lorelei tried so hard to keep her away from. I really disliked the parts of the series where she drops out of school, where she spends her time throwing herself at Logan, who never deserved her. I love how they ended the series though. It feels like it almost comes full circle; because I believe that it is Logan’s baby (which would make him Rory’s Chris) and I also believe that ultimately it is Jess who helps her raise this child (Rory’s Luke).

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    1. I actually think that she kind of does that herself- although he does enable her to become something Lorelai tried to stop her becoming…. Those are my worst parts as well 🙂 Wow, that’s actually a really good theory aha, I think it’s definitely meant to show how she moves towards the life her mother ran from

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  4. I’ve only watched 5 episodes so far from the first season, and though, yes, I love Lorelai’s spirit, I’m with Rory on that. She can’t live her mums life, she has to live her own, and I love that she’s pretty open-minded when it comes to people and getting to know them. I can see, already, that Lorelai projects herself through her daughter in that way, but I’m happy to see Rory decide for herself.


  5. Great article! I love Gilmore Girls! I started watching it around the middle of the series when it was still on tv way back when now. I still haven’t watched the revival yet because I’m hoping to start the series from the start and watch it completely and then the revival. So happy to see another fan of this great series!

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  6. I love Gilmore Girls! Couldn’t stop watching it once I started. It gets you hooked on the first episode itself. And I’ve always sort of related to Lorelai, so I like the way she deals with problems and her sense of humor. She’s my favourite character.

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  7. I love Gilmore Girls! I am currently on season 6 where Rory is organising DAR parties and yes omg i hate it so much. I hate Rory for it even more because I feel like she literally just ignored everything her mother did for her! I relate to the show so damn much because Lorelai and Rory are literally me and my mum! From their financial struggles, to Rory going to Yale (even though I didn’t go to YALE lmao, I went to Pakistan’s top-notch university) and all the fights that they both have, it’s 110% on-point! I am really scared of the ending though bec a lot of people say it isn’t exactly satisfactory???

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    1. I watch it with my sister and parents all the time! Mrs Kim and Lane are everything haha, and Emily is also one of my faves I agree 🙂 her graduation speech made me cry, so I wouldn’t worry about it 😉


  8. I have lost count of the amount of times of watched Gilmore Girls from start to finish. It never gets boring!! I think my favourite character is Paris as she makes me laugh so much and I will always love Rory and Jess together (I’m still rooting for them even now)!!

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