7 Top Tips to Romanticise Your Autumn

After reading a fantastic post by Riyah Speaks, all about how to romanticise your Summer, I thought I would do the same thing — but for Autumn!

It can feel sad to say goodbye to warm Summer days, but there’s so much to look forward to in the new Autumn season.

Why should you romanticise your Autumn?

Romanticising a season means finding little ways to add a cute, cosy or romantic touch to your Autumn. Think about all the quintessential Fall activities you could do at this time of year — the kind of thing you might see in an Instagram post. Then, enjoy a few of them during the new season.

person holding a lantern: romanticise yor Autumn

This isn’t about just focusing on the aesthetic. It’s about finding small, fun ways to make the most of the Autumn season, such as enjoying your favourite comfort food.

This can help you find some joy if you don’t normally like Autumn, and it can give you a few fun ideas for things to do at this time of year, too.

7 top tips to romanticise your Autumn

From cosy Autumn nights with your friends and family to crisp, bright Autumn days — I’ve put together my top tips to romanticise your Autumn.

1. Re-watch ‘Gilmore Girls’

Autumn is the perfect time for a ‘Gilmore Girls‘ rewatch! It’s a feel-good show about a Mother and daughter living in a small town in Connecticut — and it always reminds me of this time of year.

Nothing particularly bad happens and there are plenty of cosy Fall and Winter scenes in the first couple of seasons. Despite starting 20 years ago, this show still holds up with today’s audiences — and it’s beloved by lots of different generations.

2. Decorate your home for Halloween

Romanticise your Autumn by decorating your home with Halloween or Fall decorations. You could hang up Autumn leaf bunting or cover your walls with bat stickers.

Autumn leaf bunting: romanticise your Autumn

If you really want to romanticise your Autumn, why not make your own decorations? You could put aside an afternoon to make cute crafts by yourself or with your friends and family.

If you want to romanticise your Halloween plans, you could also plan activities like a visit to a pumpkin patch or a Halloween party.

3. Jump in a pile of Autumn leaves

Think about all those cute Autumn activities you did as a child — and recreate them! You could go for a crisp Autumn walk and jump in some Autumn leaves while you’re at it.

This is a great way to let out your inner child and have a bit of fun. I love those sunny Autumn days when the sky is bright blue and it’s still warm enough to walk around without lots of layers.

You could also collect conkers or follow a wildlife trail to celebrate the new season and add a romantic touch to your days.

4. Read under a blanket

There’s nothing like snuggling under a blanket and spending the day with a good book — and this is one of my favourite cosy Autumn activities.

an open book in front of a fireplace: romanticise your Autumn

Settling down with a hot water bottle, a blanket and a cup of tea is a great (free) way to make the most of the dark Autumn and Winter months. You could re-read a cosy Autumn book or try out a few new spooky reads for Halloween.

5. Pick out a new Autumnal outfit

Romanticise your Autumn season by picking out a classic Autumn outfit. You could pull on some thick tights and a wool skirt, or get out all your orange, brown, yellow and green shades.

Creating your perfect Autumn wardrobe will help you get into the cosy Fall spirit!

6. Go to a firework display

There are plenty of chances to romanticise your Bonfire Night plans. You could wrap up and go to a local firework display with your partner, or host a Bonfire Night party with your friends and family in your Autumn garden.


On Bonfire Night, I like to sit and watch the fireworks inside with a local Yorkshire delicacy called parkin. This cake is warm and cosy, especially when you serve it with a big helping of custard.

7. Go out for a cosy hot drink

This time of year always makes me think of cosy trips to local cafés. Order a special Autumnal drink, like a pumpkin spiced latte, and don’t forget to get a piping hot cake to go with it, too.

I love cinnamon buns as they’ve got that lovely blend of Autumn flavours and they always feel warm and toasty, perfect for the Autumn months. You could sit in your favourite café and lose a few hours reading a good book.

How are you romanticising your Autumn this year? What’s your favourite tip to romanticise Autumn? Do you have any ideas to add a romantic touch to the new season?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

17 thoughts

  1. I love the idea of this, it’s a lovely mindset to have during this season! I enjoy a cozy drink while keeping warm under a blanket as I read a good book, I’ve also got some autumn/Halloween themed decor out in my apartment and it makes me feel so happy when I see it!

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