My Top 10 Work From Home Essentials

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Working from home is a unique experience, and it’s important to make sure you have everything you need to make the most of remote working.

From everyday essentials to small touches, there are a few work from home essentials that can make your life easier, increase your productivity and help you enjoy your day while you’re hard at work.

In this blog post, I’ve put together my top 10 work from home essentials, to help you stay productive and look after yourself on a daily basis

1. Laptop

A good, reliable laptop is an essential when you’re working from home.

If you work for a company or organisation, you might receive a work laptop, or you might just use your own. Whether you’re completing online translation work for your clients or you work for your local University, a laptop can come in very handy if you need to work on the go, too.

2. Coffee or tea

Let’s be honest, the day doesn’t start until you’ve had a cup of tea or coffee!

coffee for working from home

Invest in a good supply of hot drinks as a work from home essential. You could even choose yourself a special work-from-home mug, to help you get into the right mindset as you start work in the morning.

3. Hot water bottle

When the weather starts to turn cold, you might feel like you just can’t get warm while you’re sat at your desk.

A hot water bottle is a great way to stay warm in your house all day. It means you don’t have to switch the heating on for long, too.

4. Notebook

Everyone needs a good notebook, to jot down any thoughts or make notes during an important meeting.

Just because you’ll probably complete most of your work online, that doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your computer.

If you’re a writer, turning to writing by hand can also help you get a bit of inspiration.

5. Snacks

If you’re working from home, lots of snacks are a must!

As well as enjoying a filling lunch or breakfast, it can help to have plenty of tasty snacks on hand throughout the day. You might want to fill your cupboards with healthy snack ideas or just buy a few treats during the day.

6. Headphones

One of your top work from home essentials should be a good pair of headphones!

apple earpods for working from home

You’ll need headphones for listening to music while you work or attending video calls throughout the day. They can help you switch off from the outside world and get some serious work done.

You may also want to get a cutting-edge headset to stay in touch with your clients and colleagues.

7. Blanket

When you’re working from home, invest in a good blanket! Just like a hot water bottle, this will help you stay warm and cosy when the weather turns cold.

8. Comfortable chair

A comfortable chair is a must when you’re working from home.

You’ll be spending hours in this chair during the day, so you need to invest in one that is comfortable and gives you all the support you need.

9. Good book

When you’re working remotely, it’s important to take regular breaks from your screen. You might spend the day in video calls or just typing away at your desk.

pile of books

A good book is a great way to give your eyes a break from the screen. You could read for 20 minutes at lunch or just take a 10 minute break to read your favourite book.

10. Plants

Surround your home office with beautiful plants!

When you’re busy working at your desk, it can be so calming to feel nature close-by.

This could be a few succulents, your favourite flowers or even a cute little Bonsai tree.

What are your top 10 work from home essentials? How do you make the most of remote working? What is your advice for anyone working from home?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

75 thoughts

  1. I genuinely eat so many snacks when I work from home, and I love a warm cup of coffee! Sometimes I find that headphones can be more distracting that anything though! Great post x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice ideas. I think I take the snacks a step too far when working from home a lot of the time haha. Healthy snacks are definitely the way forward. I also find a good audiobook/music to be useful as if you don’t have meetings it can be unnaturally quiet.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen on the coffee, Eleanor! ❤ I don’t have the luxury of working from home, but my wife does. We could definitely use more plants to liven up the home office. Fine list, thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These are great ideas just for a home office. This year I have started to incorporate plants in my workspace. I enjoy looking at them when I need a break from the screen and seeing how they are developing. Snacks, a blanket, and tea are on my personal list as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A good working laptop and a comfortable chair and desk are definitely a must for me, taking regular breaks and eating nourishing meals too. It’s easy to get lost at work sometimes so setting a timer for your breaks is a good idea too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I personally can’t cope without my coffee or tea. I have a coffee machine in my office, right beside my computer and next door to the bedroom where I sometimes take my working hours to.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are some really great ideas! I have a lot of these. Another one which I sometimes have is my candle lit to have a nice relaxing smell. I have plenty of notebooks, that’s for sure ha ha! Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Completely agree on the comfortable chair! I worked from home for a while in the dining room, and it was horrible for my back! I ended up having to work from bed and that’s never a good idea! Thanks for the tips!


  9. Love these tips. I’m not really working from home, as I’m traveling around, but still your tips seem to fit.

    My laptop is a tablet with a foldable keyboard, which works great and in very small. Easy to travel. Plants are everywhere, since I’m usually outside. The drinks and snacks are also quite available here. But the chair situations is sometimes a difficult one to get good.

    Thanks for these tips.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m so glad you mentioned a hot water bottle. It’s a must for me when working from home. Yes, even in the summer. It just makes me feel so much more comfortable. When I had time in the office in my old job I would have also brought a hot water bottle with me. They used to look at me like I was mad but I was the only woman in a factory full of men and our office was right beside the chiller, so it was always freezing, even in the summer time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand! I used to take a hot water bottle to work with me too, mainly for period cramps, but I used to get some funny looks… hot water bottles are such a game-changer when you’re sat down for hours x


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