3 Tips to Boost Your Relationship this Christmas

AD- This is a sponsored post. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

Me and my boyfriend haven’t been able to see each other regularly since the start of the pandemic – so I’ve had a lot of time to think about relationships, love and everything that comes along with this unusual festive season.

I know my relationship is not the only one to be affected by the pandemic. Whether you’re married, single or you’re currently dating, there always feels like a lot of pressure to find the “perfect” relationship at Christmas.

But I think Christmas time is a great time to appreciate your relationship status, whatever it may be!

Check out 3 tips to make the most of your relationship this festive season.

There are lots of ways to boost your relationship at Christmas. We’re going to take a look at three key elements, including:

  • Find ways to date
  • Send a care package
  • Focus on yourself

Let’s dive into each of these elements…

Find Ways to Date

During the pandemic, this is certainly easier said than done! But there are still some safe, fun date ideas for you and your partner.

You could go and see the Christmas lights in your local area, or go for a crisp, festive walk. For me, there’s something so cosy about pulling all your layers on and enjoying a walk with your loved one.

Kettle smokes next to a hot drink: boost your relationship at christmas

If you want a slightly warmer idea, you can also enjoy a takeaway mulled wine or pumpkin-spiced latte from your favourite café.

If you’re struggling to meet someone new, there are lots of brilliant ways to meet people online, such as access to free dating sites Derbyshire and dating agency Derbyshire who help support people in their relationship journeys and meet like-minded singles.

Send a Care Package

Care packages are such lovely ways to show your partner how much you love them, and I love receiving surprise presents!

With the festive season coming up, it’s even nicer to know your partner is looking out for you, even from afar.

So if you’re in a long-distance relationship, send your partner a cute care package full of their favourite foods, or pop a card in the post to brighten up their day during these tough times.

Focus on Yourself

If you want to start a new relationship, or if you’re looking to boost your current one, a great way to look out for your relationship is to focus on yourself.

You might have heard this advice when you were single – but I think it applies whatever your relationship status! Working and focusing on yourself can never be a bad thing.

A man and woman walk in the park holding hands.

This could mean going to the gym, or even focusing on a new hobby. Concentrating on yourself is a great way to understand what you need, not just in life, but also from your partner.

Do you have any tips for boosting your relationship? What is your relationship status this Christmas? What’s the best way you’ve found to make the most of your relationship during the festive season?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

51 thoughts

  1. Great tips! My husband and I started out as a long distance relationship, care packages would have been lovely. Now that we live together in the same country we need to remind ourselves to go out on more dates! We’ve turned into homebodies 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 my boyfriend recently sent me a surprise present and it was lovely after a tough week! I’m glad you’re together now, I hope as things open more you get chance to visit places for dates x


  2. These are some fab ideas. Luckily I’ve been able to see my boyfriend throughout most of the year and we moved in together for this lockdown but I know how difficult it’s been for quite a lot of people I know. Thank you for sharing.

    Tash – A Girl with a View

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the idea of care packages. When we’re really busy at work my boyfriend and I send each other ‘hanger kits’ because we know it’s not always possible to go out and buy food.

    All the best, Michelle (michellesclutterbox.com)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I leave little notes for my husband to find that are funny/romantic just to show him how much I love him. He’s had a really hard 2020 and he needs a boost (especially as we don’t go out because of Covid-19). I love the idea of a care package which I can do for him too — fab post!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Not in a relationship but I found these tips really useful because of a lot of long distance friendships I’m in because I finished uni this year and we’ve gone our separate ways. Thanks for this post, it was lovely x


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