How to Date Safely This December

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

This December, dating is not going to be the same for anyone! Whether you’re in Tier 2 or 3, the face of UK dating has changed in the past few months.

Lots of us have had to come up with inventive dating ideas, but however you date it’s important to stay safe until life returns to something resembling “normal”.

In blog post, I’ve come up with tips to date safely this December- including a few ideas for those who want to connect virtually!

Meet Outside

This is a big one at the moment, and in December it’s not ideal… But if you’re living in a Tier 2 or 3 area it might be your only option, and there are lots of ways you can still make it romantic.

With Christmas coming up, you could visit Christmas lights or even go for a long walk.

It’s a little chilly to sit down, but if you take plenty of blankets, snacks, and hot beverages, a cute December picnic could be a nice way to get to know someone new.

A man takes a photo of a woman while she poses and smiles.
Photo by Samson Katt on

Don’t Forget to be Hygienic!

I think during the first lockdown we were all a bit obsessive about hand sanitiser and staying 2 metres apart. We washed surfaces numerous times a day and made sure we kept our households safe.

And we need to remember these hygienic practices when meeting up with someone- even if it is just outside.

Make sure to have a mask on you in case you pop for a takeaway coffee, and use sanitiser regularly to ensure you’re keeping yourself protected.

Connect Virtually

These days, there are so many opportunities to connect virtually, meaning even if you can’t meet up in person, you can still date!

This might be because you live too far away to meet up, because one of you is isolating, or even because you don’t feel comfortable meeting someone new in person just yet.

Sites such as Nottinghamshire dating help single people meet new people online, meaning it’s a nice space to meet someone from the comfort of your own home during these tough times.

Why not try having a meal and a Zoom call, as you would on a date? Or a few drinks? You could even make your own cocktails and then enjoy them “together”! There’s loads you can do via video chat, such as a quiz or a game, or even just chatting.

Two people use glasses to cheer. The drinks are fruity and they have paper umbrellas.
Photo by Burst on

In this post, I’ve focused on couples who are dating from two different households in the UK, but of course these are still fun dating ideas for anyone! And if you live in the same household (and live in a Tier 1 or 2 area) there are even more opportunities for fun date nights.

How are you dating safely this December? What do you think of my pandemic dating choices? What is your favourite part of dating during the pandemic?

Let me know all your thoughts below 🙂

Happy reading x

46 thoughts

  1. Thanks for sharing these tips and ideas! What a strange time we’re in! Definitely so vital to make sure you meet outdoors and make sure you’re following the local restrictions!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes that’s very true! Plus if your date isn’t going well, you could just switch your computer off haha 🙂 It’s not ideal but having easy access to the internet is definitely helpful for long-distance! Thank you- I hope so too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is great advice for those on the dating scene during this crazy pandemic. Though, hopefully things return to something that resembles normal at some point. Great tips!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My boyfriend and I have been making use of Netflix Party/Teleparty to watch shows and films together! We also play chess together via apps, and we have played video games alongside each other as well if not actually playing co-op ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Great advice for those dating during these strange times! You can’t beat a nice takeaway coffee and walk round a lake looking at all the Christmas lights!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. If you are doing a Zoom date, and you don’t know them super well, it’s such a good idea to have a game or something to do together so you don’t end up just having to stare at each other! What a good little list!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This is a great guide, all of these tips are great if you are wanting to have a date with someone. Virtual dates would be so cute, maybe a virtual dinner date or cinema date would be cute.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes that’s very true- I’ve had quite a few winter walks in the past few weeks with my friends 🙂 thanks for sharing, I think whether you’re going on dates with your partner or meeting up with friends there are ways to be resilient and safe x


  8. Great tips! It would be virtual all the way for me, and it’s great that we have the technology now to be able to plan fun things virtually too. I’m not even seeing my friends and family and haven’t been for most of the year so I wouldn’t be up for meeting a stranger just yet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you 🙂 Yes I think that’s very fair- it’s nice to see that you’re following the restrictions and I’m sure as things start to get better, you’ll start to feel more comfortable meeting up with loved ones from a safe distance x

      Liked by 1 person

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