Finishing University during a Pandemic

I recently finished my degree in some quite unusual circumstances, so I thought I’d write a post about what it feels like to finish your studies while living through a pandemic!

I’ve read a lot of blog posts about this topic recently so I’d like to add my thoughts.

I was sad when I first rushed home from University as lockdown started – and I still have days where I’m sad about missing out on traditional graduation celebrations.

I completed all my exams and final coursework (including the dreaded dissertation) at home, during lockdown here in the UK.

I was away from my friends, and away from my boyfriend. Any end-of-year celebrations (including a graduation ceremony) have had to be placed on the back burner.

I couldn’t celebrate sending in my dissertation, or my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend, or finishing that final exam.

So let’s be honest, those first few weeks of lockdown I was a bit of a wreck – especially as all of these major changes and disappointments dawned on me.

However, in this post, I want to talk about a few positives to finishing your degree under these extraordinary circumstances. It’s not all doom and gloom!

In this blog post, I’ve put together a few things to remember about finishing University during a pandemic. I hope this list adds a bit of positivity to your day!

1. It’s a story for the future

I know maybe this one is difficult to see right now, but this is going to be an amazing story to tell in the future.

Lockdown and the pandemic, in general, are things we will all remember for years to come.

The fact that you’ve finished your studies under these extraordinary circumstances is going to be an interesting story to tell. Or at least that’s what I’m hoping!

2. Creative end-of-degree celebrations

When finishing our studies normally, we would go for drinks, pop to the pub or even have a party.

However, under the present circumstances, all those things have had to wait.

Me celebrating in the park after my exams. I hold a glass of prosecco and sit on a bench.
End of degree celebratory Prosecco, 2m away from my friend in a local park

I was lucky that just before my exams finished, the UK government allowed us to meet one other person outside – but this still meant our graduation celebrations had to be more creative than usual.

My University is also holding a special “virtual” graduation in August, before a real ceremony when possible.

Goodness knows how this will work, but it’s nice to see creative ways to deal with this unfortunate situation.

3. There is lots to look forward to

Let’s be honest, once this is over there will be so much to look forward to.

Even just spending the night in a different household is going to be a novelty. So it’s exciting to think about all the things we have to look forward to in the future.

If you’re finishing your degree – or even if you’ve just finished your first or second year – the celebrations that come later in the year will be immeasurable.

4. Growing closer to those you love

The pandemic is a strange time, but finishing my degree from my family home has had its perks.

I’ve always been close to my family, but we’ve definitely become even closer as a result of the pandemic and subsequent restrictions.

So while it would have been amazing to finish my degree at University, there have been perks to spending some quality time with my family before I (eventually) find a job and move out.

5. Missing University can be a good thing

It’s never easy leaving your friends or partners after the end of a University year – and especially not when you’ve finished your degree, or you don’t know when you’re going to be able to see them again.

But that just shows how much you enjoyed University! Whether it was the friends you made or the classes you loved, missing University shows it was a worthwhile life experience.

6. We have time to focus on other things

Finishing studies during the pandemic has meant we’re left with a lot of extra time before moving on to further study or finding a job.

But this time can be used productively. Finishing a degree during a pandemic means we have infinitely more time to work on our own projects and think about our future.

7. Time to reflect and work on ourselves

The pandemic has left a lot of us with free time, and in a way, it’s a positive thing to have time to reflect before rushing into our next endeavour.

Checking in with your mental and physical health is so important, and I think this situation has made a lot of us stop and think, and even take a break from constant stress.

8. Spend more time job-searching

The pandemic is the ultimate excuse to spend a little more time searching for a job you really want to do after your degree, or working on your CV and perfecting those interview skills.

While the job market is worrying at the moment, it’s nice to know that everyone is in the same position.

If you’re not 100% sure what career path you’d like to take, this is a nice window to do some research.

9. Fostering a sense of humour and camaraderie

For people finishing their degrees during the pandemic, the situation can often seem dire.

But this is where we find the best humour and camaraderie – and we’ve all had to make the most of our pandemic University experience.

I’ve found it really great to see people making the best of a bad situation, and it’s nice to know that my University friends are all in the same situation as me.

10. Resilience and determination

I’d like to think that the Class of 2020 will be known for their resilience and determination.

Everyone across the world is struggling to come to terms with the rapidly changing situation. But surely this pandemic has fostered in us a greater sense of determination and resilience – two key skills that will come in handy for resumes, interviews and life in the future.

We’ve had to come to terms with new ways of sitting exams, new ways of communicating with teachers and new ways of researching without library resources.

So I’d like to think that we have definitely gained new skills during this time- even if it’s been tough.

A picture of me smiling into the camera, a bunkbed in the background.
The background for all my University Zoom calls was my little sibling’s bunk bed!

So to the Class of 2020 – don’t lose hope.

There will be job opportunities. There will be huge celebrations. There will come a time when this is a “fun” story to tell.

If you’ve recently finished your degree like me, I hope this post added a little bit of positivity to your day!

Did you graduate during the pandemic? Have you found any positive ways to “enjoy” lockdown? How are you celebrating graduation during the pandemic?

Let me know any thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

71 thoughts

  1. Great post and congratulations on getting your degree! I can’t imagine finishing it during the pandemic. I was dealing with a lot of health issues while going to school and getting my Bachelor’s degree. This will be a great story to tell your grandkids!

    Hannah |

    Liked by 1 person

  2. An excellent positive post. hopefully you will find some volunteering to do to add to the CV too. Enjoy your celebrations when you can. The big plus of lockdown must have been working on your final projects without student distractions.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s so important to look at the bright side when tough times seem to overpower easily. Thank you for this article! I myself am a student struggling with my graduation due to the current volatile situation, and this is just a great reminder to look at the bigger picture!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww it’s great how positive you are taking the situation! It’s important to remember the positives in the midst of all the change and negativity

    Liked by 1 person

      1. A really interesting read. It’s great to see that you’re staying positive despite such difficult circumstances and what I can only imagine is a real disappointment. Hopefully, when ‘real’ graduation happens it’ll be amazing!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s certainly an odd time to be graduating and trying to transition into full time work. You have a very good point of using the time wisely to find a job. More specifically though, people can use this time to prepare for phone interviews and technical screens. When things get more normal, candidates with those skills will prosper the most.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. First of all CONGRATULATIONS! What a marvelous and insightful post! You are an old soul with your wisdom that you have shared during this time.
    It is definitely something so unique and life changing.
    I admire your positive reflection and know that you will go on to accomplish wonderful things!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for sharing this. I have been thinking about all those people who graduated this year or have GCSE’s or A Levels and I keep thinking it must be a hard time for them. I’m so glad you found the good things about it! Thank you for sharing your side of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Awww well done you’ve done amazing so proud! Its nice to see you’ve took it with a positive mindset and successfully finished x


    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love your post. If you focus on all the things you missed out on at the end of the year, it feels like such a bummer. But you are so positive about it. Good for you for having that perspective and helping others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes exactly! Some days it’s harder than others, but hopefully we can spread a positive message rather than one related to everything we’re missing! Thanks for commenting Brooke 🙂


  10. Wonderful blog!!! Like you, I also finished my final year at the University of Warwick in this pandemic and I could relate to so much of this! In particular, I loved when you talked about the class of 2020 showing resilience and determination, I am so so proud of the class of 2020 for this reason!

    I wish you all the best for the future 🙂 – and I look forward to reading more blog posts from you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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