5 Steps For Freelancers to Follow Every Morning

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

If you’re a freelancer or blogger, you might find it hard to get started with your work in the morning. This could be because you’re working from home, or just because there are too many overwhelming tasks on your list.

One of the best ways to support your work is to follow a simple morning routine before starting with your freelance work. This doesn’t have to be anything too complicated or strict, just a few easy steps to get your mind in gear and ready for work.

Whether you work from home or work for yourself, it’s so important to set yourself up for the day ahead!

In this post, I’ve put together 5 steps for freelancers to follow every morning! I hope this can help you get into the right mindset for work.

Step 1: Work out your priorities for the day

First things first, you need to work out your priorities for the day.

You could split your tasks down into the items you need to do today, as well as anything that is additional work. This means you know your priorities, and you can better craft a plan for your day.

A priority task might be something that is due soon or something you’ve been meaning to do for a while.

freelancer holding blue ballpoint pen writing a to-do list for the morning

It could be admin work, client work or just an annoying task that you know needs to be sorted.

Taking time to understand your priorities early in the day will also make sure you always meet deadlines. Before you dive into your work, follow this step to work out exactly what needs to be completed.

Step 2: Come up with an achievable to-do list

The next step is to create an achievable to-do list, using your priorities for the day to inform your decisions.

The key word here is “achievable”. Don’t over-schedule yourself, as this will lead to burn-out, but you should also set yourself goals so that you stay productive throughout the day.

You might like to create a detailed to-do list dictating when you will complete each task or you could come up with something a bit more flexible.

Personally, I like to set myself a basic list of tasks, to complete at any time of the day (as long as I don’t have any deadlines). That way, I can switch things around if something changes during the day, but I still have a plan to keep me focused.

Step 3: Get your tools ready

Step number 3 is one of the most important steps to follow every morning! You need to make sure you have all your tools ready for a productive and successful day.

Charge up your laptop or phone, and get your notepad ready for any notes you might need to make.

laptop smart phone and charge on table- getting ready for the day

During the cold Winter months, this also means layering up. Stick on the heater or throw on a jumper before you start work, to avoid leaving your desk halfway through a task.

It’s also important to cook yourself a good breakfast. Pour yourself a nice cup of tea and make sure to set yourself up for a fun and productive day of freelance work.

Step 4: Eliminate all distractions

You need to be in a good environment to work!

It might not always be possible, but try to move your phone away, tell people you’re starting work or move to a different room before you get started to avoid all work-from-home distractions.

If possible, don’t look at client emails while you crack on with work. Constantly checking your phone and replying to people can make your work very “stop-start” so it could help to have a dedicated time slot to check emails, for example.

5. Start work

The final step for freelancers to follow every morning is to actually start work! I think sometimes we can get so caught up in our routine that we forget to get started.

Make sure to get started as soon as you’re ready, following all the previous steps to make sure your morning is as calm, focused and productive as possible.

freelancer sitting on the bed using a laptop in the morning

Your work for the day might involve translation services for worldwide clients, or you might just be starting your morning off with a bit of light article research.

Whatever your tasks, I hope you can follow the steps in this blog post to effectively prepare yourself for the day!

What steps do you think freelancers should follow every morning? Do you have a morning work routine? What is your favourite tip for new freelancers?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

54 thoughts

  1. I’m not sure I’d call myself a freelancer, more just a self-employed blogger but my mornings can really make or break my day. I’m very productive in the morning, so I like to get the vast majority of my work done then. But I also love working out and going for walks in the morning too. Getting into a morning routine that works for you is really important, especially if you work for yourself / from home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jenny! I completely agree. If I’ve had a bad morning or I’ve started my day off on the wrong foot, it can really affect the rest of my day. I am definitely more productive in the morning too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences 🙂 x


  2. Some great tips! I also think it’s a matter of figuring out when you work best. I know that my mornings are not a good time for me to be organizing anything. Instead, I sit down and figure out my to-do list and priorities the night before when I’m in the right mindset to make good decisions on what needs to be done lol If I don’t, the next day is a disorganized mess and there will definitely be less completed.


  3. Love these tips, when it comes to blogging, I like to put together a to-do list which I know is doable and also realistic in a way. I don’t put too much on a to-do list for the day ahead as I don’t want to feel overwhelmed! I like to plan the night before also, it makes me feel more prepared for the next day x

    Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! I can feel easily overwhelmed, so it’s definitely a good idea to come up with something that is realistic but still pushes you 🙂 thank you for sharing, I agree that a little planning the night before can really help x


  4. Would it be better to do the to-do list the night before? That way you don’t keep thinking about tasks you need to do or tasks you weren’t able to finish. That’s often how people end up with an unhealthy work/life balance

    Liked by 1 person

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