17 Ways to Romanticise Your Summer

Summer is a time for picnics, sunbathing and long days – and it’s great to find simple ways to make the most of the Summer months.

Romanticising a season is all about finding small things to give your Summer an idealised, romantic feel. You can appreciate the sunny weather and enjoy fun, wholesome Summer activities during the new season.

17 ways to romanticise your Summer

I’ve put together a list of 17 ways to romanticise your Summer. Many of these suggestions are free or affordable – and they’ll add a bit of fun to your Summer plans.

Pick and choose a couple of ideas or work your way through the full list!

1. Sunbathe in the garden

Put on your favourite Summer outfit and enjoy a bit of time in the sun. You could sunbathe in your garden or go to your local park for some sunshine.

2. Make a daisy chain

Making a daisy chain is a mindful outdoor Summer activity. You can do it while enjoying a picnic with friends or even wear your chain for the day.

3. Go to an outdoor play

Many local parks and community areas host outdoor plays during the Summer months. Attend an outdoor event on a warm day to romanticise your Summer this year.

4. Spot local wildlife

Look out for Summer wildlife to romanticise your season. You could get out a nature book and look for flowers, plants, bugs and birds – or just become aware of your environment.

5. Go for a bike ride

person riding a bike in a field: ways to romanticise your summer

A bike ride is a great way to romanticise your Summer. Go with your partner for a fun date idea or enjoy a bit of mindful exercise by yourself.

6. Lay in a hammock

Put up a hammock for a bit of relaxation time outside. You could spend time with friends and family or lay back and read your favourite book.

7. Get a fruity drink from a local café

During the warm Summer months, local cafés bring out cool, fruity Summer drinks. On a hot Summer’s day, treat yourself to a refreshing drink.

8. Go to a butterfly sanctuary

Butterflies are beautiful – and counting butterflies has even been linked to improved mental health. Spend some mindful time out in the garden and see how many butterflies you can spot.

9. Visit an art gallery or museum

There are lots of cool art galleries and museums in most cities and towns. You could plan a trip to London to see some art, or just visit your local museum for a bit of history.

10. Go for a nature hike

I love getting out into nature. You could go for a walk around a local nature spot or plan a full hike to make the most of beautiful Summer flora and fauna.

11. Visit a local pub garden

people sat in a Summer pub garden

There’s nothing like a drink in a local pub garden during the warm Summer months.

Buy your favourite drink to enjoy with friends and family – and don’t forget to wear a cute Summer outfit to romanticise your day.

13. Read in the sun

I love taking a book to my local park. Reading in the sun is a great way to make the most of any Summer sunshine – and you can get into a good book, too.

12. Have a boozy picnic

Invite friends and family to enjoy some drinks and nibbles in the sun!

14. Clear out your wardrobe

full wardrobe: ways to romanticise summer

A new season is the perfect time to clear out your wardrobe. Take any clothes that don’t fit to the charity shop or sell a few pieces online.

Clearing out your wardrobe can help you find new Summer outfits – and you can make room for any new clothes.

15. Go to a Pride event

Pride events often take place in the warm Summer months – and they’re always fun celebrations. You can dress up, meet up with friends or get involved in local activities.

Whether you’re a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or a supportive ally, romanticise your Summer with a fun Pride event.

16. Buy some summer clothes

I love Summer fashion! If you want to romanticise your Summer, why not buy a few new outfits?

You can find affordable options on Vinted or Depop – or browse your local charity shops for new shorts, t-shirts, dresses and skirts.

17. Go to an outdoor concert

person playing a guitar outside: 17 ways to romanticise your summer

An outdoor concert or festival is a great way to romanticise your Summer!

This doesn’t have to be a big concert. Some cities and towns host small outdoor music events to let residents enjoy a bit of local music in the sun.

Do you like to find ways to romanticise your seasons? What’s your favourite Summer activity? What are you doing for Summer?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

13 thoughts

  1. I love the idea of romanticising seasons! Reading this post has really got me in the mood for summer – I’m hoping for some nice weather soon so I can get outside and do some of these things! I would love to go to an outdoor concert or play.


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