3 Helpful Tips to Organise Your Time ft. My Daily Planner for Business Growth

AD- This is a sponsored post. I also received a Daily Planner for Business Growth in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

In the past few months, I’ve started to try and grow my career online, and I’ve started writing for freelance clients and other bloggers with the aim to grow my writing from a hobby into a career.

Balancing these responsibilities and my new job can sometimes become stressful- and I’ve had to find clear-cut ways to organise my time and complete all my work on time.

Whether you’re a busy blogger or you’re currently growing your small business into something bigger- we could all use a few tips to better organise our time.

In this blog post, I’ve put together a list of 3 helpful tips to organise your time on a day-to-day basis- including the perfect planning tool to help with your goals!

1. Create a realistic schedule

I don’t know about you, but I always add way too many things to my schedule- and then I feel disheartened when I don’t finish everything on my list.

Create a realistic schedule for your day, week or month.

Understand that it’s completely normal to change your routine depending on what happens in your day, or if your goals happen to change.

2. Take breaks

You need to take breaks as much as necessary otherwise, you’ll never be able to achieve your aims- and you might even experience burn-out.

Your mental health is always going to be more important than your schedule.

Give yourself plenty of time to complete your work and step away from your work every so often to give yourself perspective and stay focused.

3. Choose the right planning tool

If you’re busy growing your small business or website, or you’re starting to get a bit more freelance work, it’s a great idea to keep track of all your new clients or deadlines in one place.

Sometimes your to-do list might feel overwhelming!

Writing down what you need to do to in a planner or diary is the perfect way to start work and stay productive.

Introducing My Daily Planner for Business Growth…

My Daily Planner for Business Growth is a fantastic planner created for small business owners, bloggers or even freelancers who need to organise their time and create a detailed plan of what to do and when.

When working from home, I know all too well that it can be so easy to get distracted, but this planner can help to keep you focused and organise what you want to do each day.

I love that this planner uses cute headings to break down the plan for each day, including sections such as “things I don’t like but must do” and “tasks for my clients” to break your work into more sizeable chunks throughout the day.

The planner encourages positive habits, such as creating a to-do list for the next day, and it leaves room for celebrating your achievements too.

An A4 planner is open at a page for "Monday" with a few notes of what the user wants to do

This planner is great for bloggers like me, as I always need a way to keep track of my blogging tasks- especially the ones I don’t like doing, such as SEO research.

As I start to build up my client base, it’s also great to keep track of all my deadlines- and I can easily remember all the tasks I need to complete by the end of the week.

I really recommend checking out My Daily Planner for Business Growth as the perfect way to keep track of your schedule and goals as a business owner, freelancer or blogger.

You can find this planner on Amazon or check out the rest of Teodora’s fantastic work here.

She also provides regular updates about her work on Instagram and Twitter.

How do you organise your time? Do you have any tips for organising your time? What do you think of the My Daily Planner for Business Growth?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

63 thoughts

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I use Notion to organize my tasks and fit them with my daily schedule. I don’t have specific timeframes at the moment because I want to be more flexible 😀 I also use a physical planner to brainstorm ideas! It’s really great x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Organizing your time is so important and having a planner is such a helpful tool. I currently write everything down on a whiteboard, but I think having a physical copy related to blogging would be nice so I can always refer back. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tips! I’m really bad about forgetting to take breaks as needed through the day – that’s something that I have been working on getting better at. Luckily for me, the pets are more than willing to step in and remind me when they decide that it’s time for puppy cuddles lol I mean, who can say no to puppy cuddles? Right?
    The planner looks great! I have been debating picking up a new one and spoiling myself at some point, so I’m going to have to check this one out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Valuable tips, Eleanor! I love how you mentioned about taking breaks, couldn’t agree more how important it is to unwind from time to time. This planner looks amazing and perfect on days I experience writer’s block haha. Thanks for sharing! x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love this planner and all the different section to divide your tasks! I completely feel you when you get far too many tasks on your to-do list and don’t achieve all of them! I have a planner and also use notion, but might look into this next x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Working from home is great except that burnout is real! Scheduling is important those breaks are so so sooo important. I can’t count how many days it feels easier to just work through my lunch break and then go off and wonder why my productivity is dropping as the week goes on. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Honestly, I have the weirdest ways of organizing myself haha! I always say this and stand by it but I am the most organized, disorganized person out here! I like having things visual in front of me so I often use a calendar and have a to-do list beside it for every day to tick off! Thanks for sharing, Eleanor x

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This planner looks amazing! I’m always trying to find ways of making my schedule better as I don’t manage my time great. Something I’m working on. Thank you for sharing this Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

    Liked by 1 person

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