20 Things I’ve Learned From 2020

As the year is coming to a close, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the craziness, unpredictability and absolute mess of 2020!

This year has seen a global pandemic, and a great amount of change and upheaval has hit the world. Wherever you live and whatever your experience of 2020, the world is not the same as it was in 2019.

Whether you’ve flourished or floundered, it’s important to take some time to reflect on this year before we see what 2021 has to offer.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 20 things I’ve learned from 2020!

1. Sometimes, you have to just do you

I think this is something we’ve all learned during the pandemic.

I’ve spent hours getting frustrated about what other people are doing. And I’m not going to lie, it’s still hard that people seem to think they’re above the rules.

However, I’m slowly starting to realise that sometimes, you have to just do you- and ignore what other people are doing.

There are so many times I’ve been panicked or upset or angry about what others are doing.

In this coming year, I want to have a bit more confidence in my choices and focus on me.

2. How to pick myself back up

I think this is something we’ve all had to get used to during lockdown, and the recent pandemic!

After receiving numerous job rejections, with ups and downs during the past few months, I think this year has been a useful lesson in knowing how to pick myself back up after a let-down.

3. Working out can be fun

I’m still not good at working out regularly, but in 2020 I learned that working out can actually be a lot of fun.

4. ‘Friends’ is a fantastic show

I loved ‘Friends’ before this year, but me and my parents watched the series again in the past few months and it was always something to look forward to on a Friday night.

Picture credits here

The show is fantastic- and I know a lot of people are thankful for shows such as ‘Friends’ on Netflix this year!

5. Eating healthy can be good for your mental health

This is definitely something I’ve learned from 2020!

I’ve always known there’s a link between mental health and eating well, but this year I really started to eat a little healthier.

I think choosing my food carefully has had a positive impact on my physical and mental health.

6. Using Pinterest to grow my blog

This is a more practical skill- and I’ve only just started to enjoy using Pinterest to grow my blogging views.

I don’t think I’ll ever be the most skilled, but I’m happy that I’ve started to show more interest in my account.

2020 has been a real blogging learning curve for me!

7. The internet can be a fantastic place

I think 2020 has made me realise just how brilliant the internet can be.

With the internet, I’ve been able to focus my energy on growing my blog.

The internet has allowed me to stay in touch with all the people I don’t live with, and it can be a fantastic place if used safely!

8. Netflix is a God-send

Let’s be honest, Netflix is great! I’m very lucky that my dad pays for my Netflix account- and I’m so grateful to have both in my life 🙂

9. The skills necessary to be a medical receptionist

This is another practical one! I recently started a part-time role as a medical receptionist, and so the end of 2020 has been all about understanding this role.

Image of a stethoscope and laptop keyboard.

I’m really enjoying my job. I get the chance to work with patients and learn more about the medical world- which I never thought would be as interesting as it is!

10. You can always tell who is there for you

This is just something you can always tell, especially in a year like 2020.

Many of us have needed more support than we might do in usual circumstances- and I’ve been so lucky to have people around to support me.

You can always tell those who will stick with you when everyone’s going through a tough time.

11. Sometimes, you have to give new ventures a bit of time

In 2020 I’ve been building my blog, and I’ve noticed that new ventures into the blogging world can take a little time.

Whether you’re starting something new in the coming year, or you’ve been busy working on something new this past year- sometimes it takes time for a new venture to show fruition.

It’s important to remember your hard work will pay off one day!

12. Everyone is stronger than they think

I’m sure if the events of this year had been predicted, no-one would have thought they were ready to face a pandemic.

But nevertheless, we have got on with it and stayed strong.

I think we need to recognise how strong we are as we go into the coming years.

13. Speaking on the phone isn’t as terrifying as I used to think

I used to be terrified to speak on the phone!

But since my job now revolves around calling people, leaving messages and even answering the phone to random patients- my fears have gone.

14. I love writing

I love to write- and this is something I definitely knew before 2020!

A woman sits in bed and uses her laptop under the covers. The background is covered in posters and artwork.

But this year I’ve really been trying to focus on it more, using those long hours of lockdown to be productive.

I think if you enjoy writing it can be the perfect way to express yourself- whether that’s in a blog post, article or book idea.

15. I can write a dissertation

It feels like an age since I wrote and submitted my dissertation, but over the course of this year, I realised I could effectively plan, write and execute a dissertation.

I wrote my dissertation about historic female treatment in the mental hospitals of York- and I am passionate about all of the topics I covered.

16. Trash TV is the perfect escapism

Before 2020, I definitely slated trash TV a lot more.

However, whether it’s Love is Blind or Celebs Go Dating, watching something that helps me switch off and forget about what’s going on in the world is so much fun.

Me and my sibling have been watching trash TV since lockdown started- and I definitely think it has a place for escapism, especially at the moment.

17. Being busy should never be an excuse to put off what you want to do

I think this is something a lot of people need to remember- including me!

Just because you’re busy and life seems to be hectic, if there’s something you really want to do you shouldn’t put it off.

18. Moaning is pointless- and doesn’t always help

We all moan and rant when we’re stressed or angry or upset. And sometimes you need to vent to get something off your chest.

However, unnecessary wallowing doesn’t always help a situation- and I’ve definitely been guilty of this in 2020!

Sometimes, you just need to get through a conversation without mentioning the pandemic.

Moaning or speculating about it unnecessarily definitely doesn’t help.

19. I really need to get back into a reading routine!

Since University (when I had so much required reading) I’ve found it so difficult to get back into a reading routine.

A woman holds a book entitled "This is For the Women Who Don't Give a F**k".

After my birthday, I got into the habit of reading poems and short stories, as my parents bought me a gorgeous first-edition Plath poetry collection.

I know that come 2021, I need to get back into a reading routine.

20. I want to write a book!

This is something I’ve always said I wanted to do, but I’ve never really made an active effort to try.

As well as writing an ebook or other product for my blog in the next few years, I would also like to write and publish a fiction novel.

We’ll see how it goes!

What do you think of the 20 things I’ve learned from 2020? What was your experience of 2020? Do you enjoy reading about other people’s experiences of this strange year?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

119 thoughts

  1. It’s great that you’ve managed to learn so much in a year. I don’t know how any of us would have made it through this year without Netflix/ Prime etc. And I’m sure the majority found that bit more inner strength at times too x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you- I had a good foundation but this year I really felt my blog come into its own 🙂 it was definitely a must this year- I’m so glad to I’ve also felt there were positives to this past year z


  2. You sure did learn a lot in 2020. I know I did as well. My marriage has grown, I’ve gotten my finances in check, I made new online friends, I created a new brand for myself, and I learned how to make the most of my blog. I also improved my photography skills, realized I’m actually happy with myself for the first time in my life, educated myself on more political topics, read more than I ever have, and became a pretty good at-home bartender haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like a fascinating dissertation – which school were you writing under? I finished my diss last year on Woodrow Wilson in WWI and was incredible finding I could string together quite so many words in a coherent order. Alongside starting a blog this year, I’m also trying to get back into reading, and to write a book! It’s nice that positive realisations can be born out of a challenging year

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! Ahh, I looked at York briefly when I was applying – I meant school as in subject, because I did history but yours could have been that or medicine

        Liked by 1 person

  4. 2020 has taught me how important time is – I’ve saved 3/4 hours working from home (which I would normally have used commuting to an hour… that was a longggg drive for 2 years). So I got a new job and have never been happier! Taking care of myself has become my priority. Plus it means I have more time to exercise, spend time with the family and just enjoy life 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These kinds of post are awesome. They help me reflect on past events as well. I especially resonate with 7. There’s a lot of negativity out there on the internet, but if you surround yourself with great people it’s a great place!


  6. This is a wonderful list – a lot of positives and it sounds like you learned a lot about yourself! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  7. Amazing post! I love the mixture of pandemic-related things as well as more personal and career things that you’ve learned. I can agree during the pandemic I found a new love of writing and have been exploring it since! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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