8 Things to Do Instead of Scrolling on Your Phone

I think we’re all starting to recognise the negative effect of social media on our mental health – and this is particularly the case when we get scrolling on our phones.

It’s so easy to start doom-scrolling when you have a spare minute – and when you come off your phone, you feel worse than when you started.

In order to nip scrolling in the bud, I’ve removed social media from my phone!

I still use social media on my computer – but taking it off my phone has helped me take a break from scrolling, especially when I know I need to focus on something else.

Although there might not be anything that’s quite as addictive as going on your phone, there are a few things you can do instead of scrolling on your phone – including activities that will leave you feeling good.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 8 things you can do instead of scrolling on your phone!

1. Pick up a book

Picking up a book is an easy way to avoid scrolling on your phone. It’s just as convenient as using your phone, and you can take a book just about anywhere with you.

If you have a second to yourself, pick up a book and start reading. You’ll feel so much better for it, and you might even get engrossed in a new favourite.

2. Chat with a friend

If you want to avoid scrolling on your phone, do something social instead. You could message a friend or even speak to someone on the phone.

smiling woman talking via laptop in kitchen

If you live with other people, put your phone down and go for a chat with someone else. Sometimes the hours can fly by without any human interaction – so chat with someone when you need a much-needed break from social media.

3. Do a puzzle

You could stretch your mind by doing a puzzle instead of scrolling on your phone. Pick up a Sudoku book or do a crossword to entertain yourself when you have a spare moment.

Many people scroll on social media while watching TV. Instead, pick up a colouring book or do something creative while you enjoy a bit of downtime.

4. Go for a walk

Getting active is a great way to spend your time! You could listen to your favourite tunes or walk to a local café for a drink.

a person wearing a white shoes while stepping on wet road

I often scroll on my phone when I’m feeling bored – and I always end up feeling so lethargic afterwards. So put your phone down and head outside for a bit of fresh air.

5. Write a blog post

Instead of scrolling on social media, you could do something productive on your phone!

Pull up WordPress and write a blog post, or comment on a few blogs to pass your time. Apps like Substack can also help you enjoy a bit of content without falling into the doom-scrolling trap.

6. Get creative

There are so many ways to get creative – and enjoying a bit of creativity is the perfect way to stop scrolling on your phone.

person holding black pen sketching flower

You could do a bit of drawing or write in a journal. Getting creative is fantastic for your mental health, giving you a chance to relax your brain and think about something else, instead of mindlessly scrolling.

7. Read a magazine

A magazine is a convenient way to spend your time instead of scrolling on your phone. When you use your phone, it’s usually because you’re bored and looking for some kind of entertainment.

Picking up a magazine will engage your brain, but it won’t make you feel sad or low when you stop.

It’s also easy to keep a magazine close, giving you no excuse to do something a bit different.

8. Download a well-being app

Instead of scrolling on social media, choose to do something productive for your health. You don’t have to go on social media just because you’re on your phone!

crop person showing smartphone with title on screen

If you download a well-being app, you can spend your downtime practising your breathing, engaging in a self-care activity or learning a bit about your habits. I really recommend Finch.

Watch this space for my next post in this series: The Positive Side of Social Online Spaces!

Do you like to scroll on your phone? How does social media affect your mental health? Do you have any tips to avoid scrolling on your phone?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

66 thoughts

  1. Yes, yes and yes to this post. Good tips. Each day I become more aware of what Twitter in particular is doing to my state of mind. On the train home in the evening, everyone is on their phones and I want to shout out READ A BOOK! I am, in my defence, usually reading a book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your support Jessica! Yes I think that’s so true – it can be so hard to just put your phone down! That’s great 🙂 thank you so much for reading and sharing x


    1. Thank you for sharing! I got rid of Instagram and I don’t miss it at all. The only thing I miss is chatting with my sibling – but we just swapped over to WhatsApp 🙂 thank you so much for reading (and for your kind words)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I always try and make a conscious effort to put my phone down and pick up my book instead. My book is always right next to me, so when I find myself scrolling for a *bit* too long, I’ll always try and put my phone down and read at least one chapter!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are good suggestions. I have found if I’m scrolling too long I would either pick up a book, meditate, dance or just go outside. I definitely feel much better after doing all of those things.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m loving these ideas, I find myself scrolling a lot so then I pick up a book or I’ll write in my journal. Thanks for these great tips!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m consciously trying not to pick up my phone as much as I got into the really bad habit of scrolling on social media everywhere I went, even into places and rooms where I did not need my phone. We’re also at the beginning of an experiment where we’re shutting away phones, ipads etc from 8pn in the evening, in an attempt to cut down my sister’s phone and social media usage, so because I can’t scroll to pass the time, I’m picking up my book to read, doing a puzzle, working on some knitting or crochet, or writing in my journal so I actually do have enough time to read when I’m in bed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really like that! I get the same way, it can be so addictive. Removing social media from my phone has really helped me. I’m glad you’ve found some benefits of reducing time on your phone too. Thank you for reading and sharing your experiences x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. These are some good suggestions. I have been quite good at setting boundaries for myself to not aimlessly scroll for ages! Thank you for sharing your ideas!


    Liked by 1 person

  7. great list of ideas! there are tons of things to do besides scroll through social media. this post is a perfect reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If I’m doing something, I don’t have an issue with scrolling on my phone. But if I’m watching something or I’m travelling somewhere, I have a relentless need to scroll on my phone for something else to do. I can be watching my favourite show, and I’ll want to scroll on my phone. If you have any tips for these moments, I’d be eternally grateful

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean, when you’re actively distracted by something else it’s so much easier to avoid your phone. Personally, I would say leaving your phone in another room is one of the best things you can do in those situations – and when you’re travelling, take a magazine or some kind of reading material/puzzle along with you to avoid reaching for your phone 🙂 or I like to do something different on my phone, like read Sunstack articles. It’s hard to resist sometimes though!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Much as I would love to delete social media apps from my phone, it’s part of my job as I manage some company accounts, so I can’t! But you’re right about putting it down and focusing on other things that are more productive – I love Jenny’s idea about reading a chapter of your book when you’ve been scrolling for too long!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This post!! so so true, we are so consumed by social media to grow and go viral that we spend ours and ours of not being productive and draining our mental.

    Liked by 1 person

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