Surviving Graduation: 10 Unique Ways to Celebrate Your Graduation

Welcome back for the final post in my Surviving Graduation blog post series!

In this series, I’ve discussed how to look after yourself post-graduation – and how to job hunt like a pro.

I’ve really enjoyed talking about the issues facing new graduates at this time of year – tackling those big questions that can seem so daunting after you finish your degree.

But in this blog post, I want to talk about one of the fun things about finishing your degree – graduation!

I’ve come up with 10 unique and inventive ways to celebrate your graduation

There are so many ways to celebrate your graduation, including:

  1. Cook your favourite meal
  2. De-stress
  3. Go for a day trip
  4. Go to the pub
  5. Get dancing!
  6. See your University friends
  7. Take graduation photos
  8. Get some cocktails
  9. Frame your graduation certificate
  10. Host a garden party

Let’s take a look at each of these fun, unique ideas in a bit more detail…

Cook your favourite meal

It might sound basic, but cooking your favourite meal is the perfect, unique way to celebrate graduation. Whether it’s ordering a pizza or cooking a delicious home-cooked meal – treat yourself.


When you’ve just finished your degree, it’s important to take time to recognise your achievement!

You’ve put in a lot of work – and you need to come down from any exam stress. I love finding a passion project to focus my time when something big has come to an end, such as writing my own ebook or working on my blog.

Take time to do whatever relaxes you when you’ve just graduated.

Go for a day trip

If you’ve spent all your time working and writing for deadlines, you probably need to get away from your desk after graduation.

driving a car for a day trip

Arrange a cute day trip somewhere to get a much-needed change of scenery.

Go to the pub

There’s nothing better than popping to the pub with family or friends to celebrate graduation.

Toast your achievements and enjoy some quality pub time now that it’s possible to meet up with other households.

Get dancing!

With the clubs starting to open over the summer, celebrate your graduation with some dancing.

There’s no better way to de-stress and it could be just what you need after studying, exams and getting dreaded University results.

See your Uni friends

If you’ve been doing your final year from home, which is the case for many students, then one of the best ways to celebrate graduation is to be around like-minded students in the same position as you.

Visit your University friends and relive pre-covid University times.

Take “graduation” photos

This is an amazing way to celebrate graduation!

Me and a friend took a few graduation photos outside the University of Sheffield as we couldn’t get to York, and this provided the perfect unique celebration of all my hard work in the previous 3 years.

Get some cocktails

I love toasting an accomplishment with a gorgeous cocktail or tasty mocktail. Celebrate graduation in style with your friends or family by going out for a few cocktails or to your favourite bar.

Frame your certificate

When you receive your University certificate, place it in a special place or frame it to celebrate graduation and show off your achievements.

Host a garden party

As we get into Summer, celebrate graduation with your friends and family with a fun BBQ, outdoor meeting or garden party.

If you’re looking for a few ways to enjoy graduation or celebrate the completion of your Master’s programme, a garden party is a great choice.

What do you think of my unique ways to celebrate your graduation? Do you have any ideas for celebrating your graduation? Have you enjoyed reading this blog post series about life after graduation?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

72 thoughts

  1. Good post! It’s important to celebrate your achievement even if it’s a small one. This is part of self care and love. I like to take a break from hard work, going to cinemas, cook myself a special meal, and even reward myself with something special like a designer handbag. Hehehe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s such a good idea, to take some photos outside a university near you – it’s so sad that so many graduates have missed out on their proper college experiences, but I love your positive spin on things, Eleanor!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t graduated yet. But just getting out of school for the summer means tons of day trips for me! I definitely want to try some of you other ideas too like having a fun photoshoot

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all of these ideas! I never went to university, but I am always up to celebrate even the smallest of achievements! Going for a day trip and taking pictures sounds like fun ideas to do all together x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve had two university graduations, the first I didn’t go to because it seemed like a waste of money and it was also my birthday, so I had better plans. But the second one I couldn’t go to due to the pandemic. I think as long as you do something fun with someone or a group of people that matter to you, then it doesn’t really matter what you do. That said, if you can, do a garden party

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I couldn’t go to my graduation years ago due to illness and it made me really sad. Luckily, my boyfriend and family made it lovely. They got me dressed up in a posh bath robe and took photos of me throwing a hat. We went for a posh lunch and dinner and we drank lots of champagne!


    Liked by 1 person

  7. These sound like amazing ways to celebrate your graduation! There’s so many alternative ways to celebrate these days which I always find such fun. Thank you so much for sharing Xo

    Elle –

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aw, love these suggestions! I graduated in 2018 and after I had a meal with my family and did a road trip with my boyfriend (now husband)! It was super fun! These are all great suggestions for graduates having to change what they’d normally do because of on-again/off-again restrictions. Thanks for sharing, Eleanor! x

    Lynn |

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love these suggestions! My fav is the day trip one. It’s brilliant to reward yourself after all the hard work put in. Great post xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wonderful ideas. Particularly after the year we’ve all had. I love the idea of focussing on our wins and celebrating life’s achievements. Sometimes a chilled event like a garden party or funny photos is the best way

    Liked by 1 person

  11. These are some great suggestions. This series has been an eye opener for me because I never went to university but I’ve learnt so much about surviving different aspects that I’d never thought about before.


  12. Thanks for sharing your unique ways of celebrating graduation. 😊
    I like the idea of traveling, de-stressing, and eating your fave food.
    Being a student in a university is definitely a daunting life esp. in my experience as I both work and study at the same time. At present, I am a graduate school student and consider your tips when I graduate soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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