4 Tips For the Perfect Virtual Date

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

If you’re dating virtually because you’re isolating, far away from your date, or you don’t quite feel comfortable meeting up in person yet- connecting online is such a great way to stay safe and still have a proper date!

Virtual dating is perfect until you can go on dates in person, or as a great way to stay connected if you’re separated and need a fun date night.

Below, find 4 tips for the perfect virtual date, including how to prepare yourself before meeting someone new, and the little things you can do to make online dating fun!

Choose the perfect activity

Virtual dates are just like in-person dates- they need to be planned! You might want to enjoy a Zoom call with your date, play a quiz, or even watch something together.

If this is your first date, there’s bound to be a few awkward silences or pauses, so having a few fun activities planned is a great way to break the ice and relieve an awkwardness between you and your date.

Plan ahead

Woman video-calls someone on an iPad. She is sat on a brown sofa.
Photo by Gabby K on Pexels.com

Just because you’re not leaving the house or meeting in person, you still need to leave enough time to get ready, choose your date outfit, and set up your laptop.

Factor in technical issues when it comes to Zoom and don’t forget to have your computer or phone charger to hand!

It’s also a good idea to make sure you’ve told anyone you live with that you’re calling your date, as it gives them chance to stay quiet and not disturb your call.

Find a good date

This might seem like an obvious one, but even if you’re dating virtually- you need to make sure your date is someone you feel comfortable around! Whether you’re looking for a relationship or just dating- it’s important to find a date who makes you feel comfortable, even online.

As long as you stay safe and look after yourself properly, looking for a date online is a fantastic way to meet new people- especially at the moment.

Sites such as Devon Dating allow singles to meet people in their local area during the current situation. Devon Dating means that it is easier for singles to meet like-minded locals for virtual or in-person dating.

Treat it like a “normal” date

Two people kiss. The woman is holding a rose.
Photo by Budgeron Bach on Pexels.com

As someone who has been in a long-distance relationship for the past year, you have to try and stay positive about your virtual dating options. It might not be in person, but virtual dating can still be so much fun.

Virtual dating can give you new options to explore, and it gives you a great chance to chat to a first date without having to even leave the house.

What are your tips for the perfect virtual date? Do you enjoy virtual dating? Have you had to take part in virtual dates during the pandemic?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

51 thoughts

  1. These are some really good pieces of advice! I haven’t tried virtual dating as I’d rather wait for the real thing but I know this post will be so beneficial to those starting to date or couples who can’t see each other physically at the minute x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I never tried virtual dating, but I guess now it’s more than a reality at this time and in the months coming. Love all these tips, planning ahead sounds like a must now! Thank you for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve not really done virtual dating! I’m in a relationship and have been throughout the pandemic, so while we definitely have virtual catchups and watch things together, they’re not what I’d consider ‘dates’! These are great tips for getting to know someone for sure! My extra tip would be to make sure you think about the background you’ll have when you’re having your date. Lighting is important so they can see you properly, but also consider that you’re letting them into your home in a way, and you might not be comfortable with them seeing certain things so early on. Try for a neutral background, or at least make sure all your laundry is hidden from view!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is such a good point, especially if it’s a first date you might not want to be sharing everything that you have in your bedroom! I agree, it doesn’t always feel like a “date” when you chat with your partner from a distance, but it’s nice to have that connection even from afar x


  4. My anniversary is coming up, and we do need to try and find something interactive online… we largely play games or quizzes that can use a shared screen, and watch shows at the same time to trade reactions, which almost feels like watching together. I couldn’t imagine trying to have a Zoom first date!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My partner and I are in a LDR and the past year has been tough you say the least. What we have done via virtual dating is schedule in dinner or desert dates. We eat together virtually. We have even prayed together virtually. We go for walks, we have been shopping too and watched movies, virtually. It’s not always easy because the distance drives home the pangs of separation. But for the time being…its important to continue this way. We also get to learn abit more about eachother. X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree, it is such a tough time to be long distance 😦 aw that’s lovely, scheduling in some virtual time together is a great way to stay present in each other’s lives- and I love watching things at the same time as my boyfriend. Thanks for sharing your experience x


  6. These are some fab tips. I think planning ahead so you things to do to avoid awkward silences is a great one!

    Tash – A Girl with a View

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I need these tips for my future boyfriend haha I think it’ll be safer to do a virtual date (even after covid) and you’ll also get to know their personality too. Thanks for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is such a helpful post. I’ve never tried a virtual date before but I do think we are going to see this for years to come. Its a great way of connecting with people who might not live as close to you too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The only tip I could think of, if you could call it a tip that is, is maybe to base the virtual date around a theme, topic, or activity to help feel the silence. You could also maybe coordinate some games you might like to play or a film to watch together?

    Liked by 1 person

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