5 Fun Ways to Spend Your Evening in Lockdown

AD- This is a sponsored post. All thoughts remain my own.

At the moment we are all making the responsible choice and spending our evenings at home, while we wait for things to open up a little more. But sometimes when you’re stuck at home, the evenings can drag- especially if you’re currently spending all day in the house too.

If you’re getting bored of watching the same shows over and over during your evenings in lockdown or isolation, I’ve come up with a few creative ideas to help relax and enjoy yourself.

Below, find 5 fun ways to spend your evening in lockdown- and don’t forget to add your ideas and suggestions.

Film night

I love having a film night with my family, and it’s easy to make a film night into a fun, all-evening event! You can buy lots of snacks and popcorn, switch off all the lights like the cinema, or have a movie marathon of your favourite film series.

However you enjoy your film night, it can be a great way to speed the evening along, and everything is made better by watching a rom-com and eating lots of treats. There’s not much going on at the moment, and so we need to make the most of the fun ways we can enjoy ourselves during lockdown.

Quiz Night

I love a good quiz, and Zoom quizzes have definitely become a big part of the lockdown experience.

If you want to create quizzes to play with your family, friends, or partner- I really recommend checking out CrowdParty. It is a fantastic site that lets you create your own quiz for free, and I love this site because there are a wide range of rounds to choose from when creating your quiz- and it’s more exciting than just trivia questions.

CrowdParty offer rounds such as “friendly fire” where players can show how much they know about other players, and “would you rather” where you have to pick the most likely answer. It also includes a charades round, meaning this is a fun game that’s a little different to your ordinary lockdown quiz.

In order to join a CrowdParty Game you just have to enter a specific code, meaning you can play this game with your friends and family over Zoom, or with those living in your household. I love all the little ways CrowdParty helps make your quiz night unique, and I recommend checking it out.

Logo of CrowdParty, CrowdPart, Zoom calls don't have to be boring.

Come Dine With Me

While most of us have more time on our hands, why not spend one of your evenings trying out new meal ideas or coming up with fun cooking activities that you can enjoy!

If you live with a couple of people, a fun idea could be each of you making a meal for the other people in your household like on the show “Come Dine With Me” or you could even run fun “bake-off” challenges with your family.

With the restaurants currently closed, creating your own fancy meal ideas or having some fun making a new meal could be a great way of filling your evening- and also enjoying some good food before the restaurants open up.

Pamper Evening

If you’re stuck at home all day, or if you’re busy at work- factoring in some relaxation time in the evening is essential. Everyone has different ways to relax, but one of the best ways to stop your mind from speeding along is to take some time in the evening to look after yourself.

This could mean anything from having a bath or enjoying a bath bomb, to using some new products in the shower and sticking to your skincare routine. Putting time aside to relax and even pamper yourself a bit is a great way to unwind after a busy day.

A woman lays in a luxurious bath, reading a book and surrounded by fresh fruit.
Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com

Virtual Drinks Evening

It’s hard to have a social life right now, so while we can’t go out why not bring the fun inside? If you live with your friends you could have a fun evening making and drinking cocktails, for example.

And if you don’t live with your friends, you could host a virtual drinks evening. I think this is a fantastic way to make the long lockdown evenings go a little faster, especially if you get the chance to create and make your favourite cocktails or mocktails.

Chatting to your friends or family while enjoying a drink or nice meal can help us all retain some sense of normality before we can all return to the restaurants and pubs later in the year.

How do you spend your evenings during lockdown? Do you have any suggestions for lockdown activities? What’s your favourite quiz theme?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

76 thoughts

  1. Crowd party sounds great. I have actually enjoyed finding new ways to fill our time and socialise with friends.

    As parents we can’t always get out and about before lockdown so I think some of the online socialising will continue for us x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m trying to make much better use of my evenings at the moment. They used to be a pretty non-event but I’m just trying to make the most of every day in lockdown now. We’re watching a lot of movies at the moment! x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Some fab ideas here for sure 😘👌🏻 anything to make the nights go by faster that don’t involve watching endless Netflix series is good with me! 😂😂 Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Thomas 🙂 Me too, they’re so much fun haha, I’m glad you’ve had chance to make some over the past few months! I agree, it’s lovely to have nights in but we also need to find variety when possible


  5. I love the film nights I’ve had at home. We’ve turned the living room into a mini-cinema on some weekends, complete with snacks; the only difference is they don’t cost an arm and a leg. 😂

    I’ve never heard of CrowdParty! Certainly, something to check out before the next zoom chat with friends and family as it sounds fun. Thank you for sharing these ideas. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Film nights are great! Aw that sounds lovely, so even better than going to the cinema sometimes! It’s a fantastic way to enjoy a good quiz night, thank you for sharing your thoughts I’m glad you’re enjoying your lockdown evenings x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. These sound like great suggestions! I love a good cosy night in. I can’t wait to be able to do with the rest of my family and my partner after lockdown. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.

    Lauren – bournemouthgirl.com

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love getting to do movie nights. Currently every Thursday my sister and I try to plan to have a movie or tv show nights. It really is fun and I enjoy getting to watch movies and tv shows with someone else.


  8. There are some great suggestions here. We have been playing virtual Euchre with my mom and her boyfriend every weekend. The website Trickster Cards allows us to create a private game for the 4 of us with video chat built-in so that we can all socialize and spend some quality time together. It has been great with my family all living so far away and not being able to travel to see them.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh nice! I’ve done so many Zoom quizzes during lockdown but I’ve never heard of Crowd Party so will 100% be checking that out. It’s been a while since we’ve done one now as we all got Zoom fatigue, so maybe this will inspire us to get back into it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really recommend checking it out! I think Zoom fatigue is very real haha, especially if you’re enjoying back to back events with friends and family- I hope when you’re feeling like it you give a quiz a go as it can be so much fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I love a good film night or a pamper evening. I event took part in a virtual pamper evening which was an experience! Love the ideas, would love to do a cocktail making evening or wine tasting. That would be so cool. I think I heard a few people had started book clubs! I think there are some positives to these lockdowns. Excellent post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, they’re perfect nights in, and that’s such a cute way to make it more sociable! Aw wine-tasting would be perfect for a wine lover, and there are a few positives to making more people resilient with their time 🙂


      1. I think the cocktail ones are good, goes even non-drinkers can make non alcoholic versions which would be great for a virtual baby shower. I like any excuse to stay home in the winter bit more garden in the summer 😁

        Liked by 1 person

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