4 Bloggers to Follow this December

AD – This post is sponsored by my advertisers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This December I’m happy to introduce 4 more bloggers that you should follow! I’ve put together a list of lifestyle bloggers who write about blogging, travel, mental health and parenting.


My first advertiser is the brilliant Jenn, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer currently living in Wisconsin, US. Jenn lives in Wisconsin with her boyfriend, Dave, and two adorable cats, Daisy and Duke.

Jenn’s blog covers a wide range of topics, with Jenn discussing her favourite products, and experiences with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Her blog is a fantastic way for her to express her thoughts openly on a variety of topics- and reach out to readers all over the world.

Man and woman pose for the camera.

Jenn’s posts are down-to-earth and well-written, encouraging readers to learn more about her time living in Wisconsin, and her healthy practices for a happy life.

Jenn also writes brilliant book reviews, analysing and discussing her favourite reads, and making fantastic suggestions for her followers to help them find their next read.

Three friends stand together in front of a poster for 'Hamilton'.

So whether you’re in lockdown right now, or just wanting to connect with a new blogger, I really recommend heading over to Jenn’s site and subscribing to all her fantastic posts!

You can also connect with her on Twitter or Instagram for more blogging updates, and she’s a fantastic part of the blogging community.


I’m so excited to feature Mary’s blog again, as her blog is a fantastic place to find travel-writing, and to read about a 20-something’s experience of the world! Mary started her blog in 2013 as a distraction from her chronic illness, endometriosis.

However, her blog soon became a welcoming space for Mary to discuss her condition, writing openly about mental health, travelling and writing.

A young woman stands on a bridge and poses for the camera.

She is currently a Journalism student at University and she hopes to continue using her blog to offer insight into life with mental illness, and raise awareness for endometriosis.

I really recommend reading Mary’s posts, and I particularly love reading about another 20-something’s favourite beauty products and her experience of visiting New York City.

A young woman takes a selfie with a Christmas tree in the background.

Mary is such a lovely, supportive member of the blogging community, and you can find her on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest if you’d like to keep up with her brilliant posts and blogging updates.


Sophia is another lovely blogger and writer – and as a 20-something lifestyle blogger from the UK, I really relate to her posts! She’s a lifestyle, beauty and travel blogger who loves to write posts about her home renovations and travel recommendations.

A recent graduate from University, Sophia has had more time to write brilliant posts about her bedroom-to-office renovation on a budget and her top tips to make the most of Christmas in lockdown.

A young woman walks down a cute street with her back to the camera, wearing a straw hat.

Sophia also writes brilliant travel posts, discussing her guide to Barcelona and considering why travel is so good for you. I really love Sophia’s blog, as it’s professional and simple – and she features some gorgeous photos of her travels.

A young woman stands on a bridge and smiles for the camera.
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Head over to Sophia’s blog to find out more about this brilliant blogger, and you can also connect with her on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


I’m so excited to introduce this final blogger, as I’ve been a follower and supporter of his blog since I discovered it during lockdown. Thomas blogs about a range of topics, discussing his experiences parenting two little girls, as well as his experiences as a blogger.

Thomas writes relatable, often humorous posts that I really recommend checking out. I always find his writing down-to-earth and relatable.

A man and his two children stand with raised arms by the sea, they are just silhouettes.

He’s participating in Blogmas this month, and I’m super excited to read more of his posts as he starts his journey on 2 December and then publishes a post every other day up until (and including) Christmas Eve!

If you want to keep up with this event and Thomas’ post, head over and subscribe now to get regular updates.

Do you follow any of these bloggers? Do you enjoy finding new bloggers to follow? Have you found any bloggers you love this month?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

33 thoughts

  1. Thank you for sharing these new bloggers! I’ve been following Sophia but not the rest 🙂 Might need to check them all now x


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