Make a Spooky Fudge this Halloween

This is a guest post by the lovely Sarah from A Spoonful of Vanilla. Find out more about Sarah at the end of this post.

This Halloween Fudge is perfectly spooky! Enjoy it after a night of trick-or-treating – or serve it at a fun Bake-Off party.

This is a white chocolate fudge that I dyed a lime green. I decorated it with some spooky Halloween treats including Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and M&Ms. Also, I couldn’t resist using a few spooky edible eyes.

The beauty of this recipe is that you can use any Halloween Candy you want. I used M&Ms and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups as they are two of my favourites.

Why not try adding some Cadbury Mini Goo Heads or an all-round family favourite like Maltesers or KitKat? The options are endless!

Halloween fudge recipe

To Make the Fudge

So, this fudge is super simple to make and only needs a few ingredients.

Start by adding the condensed milk and chocolate to a large saucepan and melt the chocolate on a low heat stirring continuously to ensure that it doesn’t burn.

Once the chocolate has completely melted add in the food colouring. For this, you need to be careful about what food colouring you use.

A gel food colouring or powder would be best. What you can’t use is a food colouring which is water based on has water in its ingredients list as this will just curdle the chocolate.

To colour the mixture, add a little at a time and mix in between each addition.

If you add too much to begin with then you are stuck with that colour. If you add a little at a time, you can gradually build the colour up.

One thing I will say is when you add the icing sugar the colour will lighten ever so slightly. So, you might want to make it a little darker. Add the icing sugar and mix until it is completely combined. The mixture should be super thick and gloopy at this stage.

Now add in the chocolates and fold through. I added in M&Ms and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

I cut the Peanut Butter cups into halves and quarters, and I also left some whole too.

The easiest way to fold the mixture through is using a spatula and going around the side of the saucepan and folding the mixture in on itself.

Then, cut through the middle again folding the mixture in on itself. Repeat until all the chocolates are evenly distributed. Pour the mixture into your tin and smooth it out.

Decorate with some leftover chocolates, again I cut the Peanut Butter Cups into halves, but I also added some whole ones on top. I also added some edible eyes to the top, to give it more of a spooky look.

Put the fudge into the fridge overnight or until it has completely set. Cut into individual pieces and enjoy at your spooky Autumn party or Halloween event!

Alternatives for Your Spooky Fudge

There are so many alternatives for this fudge, we would be here forever if I listed them all.

You can change the colour of the fudge. Why not make it spooky orange or purple? You could even make it pink!

If you want to make the fudge black, you will need to start with a milk or dark chocolate instead of white. Milk and dark Chocolate are the perfect base for black food colouring, whereas white chocolate and black food colouring normally just goes a weird grey colour.

As I said above, you can use any sweets you want in this fudge. I used chocolate-based treats but why not try adding some gummy worms or even some biscuits like Oreos.


  • Square Cake Tin
  • Spatula
  • Scales
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Saucepan

Shopping List

Fudge Ingredients

  • 100g Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
  • 500g White Chocolate
  • 397g Condensed Milk (one tin)
  • Green Food Colouring
  • 100g M&Ms

To Decorate

  • Leftover Peanut Butter Cups
  • Leftover M&Ms
  • Edible Eyes


1. Line your 7″ square cake tin with baking parchment and leave to one side.

2. Cut the Peanut Butter Cups into halves and quarters and leave to one side.

3. Add the white chocolate and condensed milk to a large saucepan and, on a low heat, melt the chocolate. Stirring continuously until it is completely smooth. Remove from the heat.

4. Add in the food colouring a little at a time, stirring in between each addition, until you have reached the desired colour.

5. Add the icing sugar to the mixture and stir until it is completely incorporated. It should be thick and gloopy.

6. Add in the chocolates and fold them through until they are evenly distributed.

7. Pour the mixture into your tin and smooth.

8. Finish by adding leftover chocolates and some edible eyes.

9. Leave to set in the fridge overnight or until the fudge has completely set. Cut into individual portions and enjoy.

spooky Halloween fudge

About Me

My name is Sarah, and I am the face behind A Spoonful of Vanilla.

I started my blog in January 2020 as a place to share all my creations.

I’ve loved baking since I was young but started creating and experimenting with my own recipes when I studied at university.

I have always found baking the perfect way to de-stress and just forget about everything going on in the outside world for a few hours.

There are just so many different flavour combinations and types of bakes to try the possibilities are endless.

You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. I’m also on TikTok @aspoonofvanilla.

Do you have any fun Halloween recipe ideas? What do you think of this spooky Halloween fudge? Do you enjoy making Halloween treats?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

60 thoughts

  1. I’ve to check which account is this. I’m probably connected but can’t recall. Had tj do this it looked so so so good!!! I loved the buttercup optional with others too. But mnms and that googly I dig for sure. And I loved the white choc combo with condensed milk. That lime green coating is so subtle. Great one! Xx
    Isa A. Blogger

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my god, I absolutely love fudge. I may have to try making this, although I’ll likely leave out the peanut butter cups as I’m not sure if I like peanut butter or not. It’s fine in Asian food, but other than that I’ve not been too impressed, just tasted like earth

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the looks of this – it looks spooky and yummy! This looks so easy to make which is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing this Sarah & Eleanor!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh man, this looks so yummy. Definitely bookmarking this in my big recipes to try out folder so I can make it soon (or save it for next year). Fun recipe and I love how easy it looks to make. Thanks for sharing this sweet delight. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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