6 Vegetarian Meal Ideas for National Vegetarian Week

This week is National Vegetarian Week!

As a vegetarian, it can sometimes be so hard to come up with vegetarian meal ideas.

I’m not a vegetarian anymore, but I still eat a lot of vegetarian meals while I’m living at home- and I’d love to continue this when I move out.

When it comes to eating vegetarian meals, I think a lot of people assume that you have to buy meat substitutes in order to enjoy a healthy and filling meal.

But that’s just not the case, and it can actually be more fulfilling to make your own vegetarian meals- and healthier too!

In this blog post, I’ve come up with 6 vegetarian meal ideas for National Vegetarian Week, including a bit of fun food inspiration!

1. Vegetarian Fajitas

When I was at University, I used to make fajitas all the time.

Instead of using chicken, I would put in lots of pepper, spinach and Quorn chicken pieces.

You could also use tofu if you don’t fancy Quorn- and it’s great to create a vibrant, colourful meal that’s full of flavour.

Check out this recipe for vegetarian fajitas if you’re feeling inspired!

2. Veggie Burger

There are so many veggie burgers to choose from, and it’s great to have a selection of burgers that might be slightly less fattening than meat options.

I love soya burgers and Linda Macartney, but I also think it’s great to try veggie burgers made from actual vegetables- and they go great in a bread bun or with a few chips.

veggie burger for national vegetarian meal week

If you’re trying to be super healthy, you could even put your burger with sweet potato fries and get an extra bit of fibre with your meal!

3. Halloumi and Chips

I really don’t like fish- so even as a meat eater I still can’t enjoy battered fish and chips.

A great vegetarian (although not vegan) alternative to fish and chips is halloumi and chips, and many restaurants offer this as a possible vegetarian meal idea.

While this might not be the healthiest meal, it’s great to know you can still enjoy a meal out, without having to choose the meat or fish option.

This is definitely a great treat to consider!

4. Veggie Stir-fry

I’ve been eating a lot of stir-fry-type meals since living back at home, and it’s fantastic to make vegetarian meal ideas that are full of vegetables and healthy ingredients.

You could throw in some bean sprouts, peppers, mushrooms or broccoli- basically any vegetables you have in the fridge!

If you fancy making a delicious, healthy stir-fry- check out this recipe.

5. Vegetarian Cooked Breakfast

If you’re someone who has chosen to be vegetarian, there’s always something you miss eating.

But you can still enjoy meals that are supposed to have meat- and substitute something else, instead.

National Vegetarian Week is the perfect time to re-create your favourite ideas- replacing any meat with meat-free substitutes!

vegetarian cooked breakfast

One of the things I really missed as a vegetarian was a full cooked breakfast, especially sausage and bacon.

However, you can still enjoy a cooked breakfast as a vegetarian!

Swap out hash browns instead of bacon, and veggie sausages instead of meat.

You can also pile on the mushrooms, tomatoes and beans to make your cooked breakfast slightly healthier.

5. Make Your Own Pizza

This is a great vegetarian meal idea for National Vegetarian Week, and it’s perfect if you’re vegan too!

Making your own pizza is fun, but it also gives you complete control over what goes on to it.

Whether you prefer vegan cheese, mozzarella or no cheese at all, it’s great to create your perfect pizza and toppings.

If you don’t fancy a shop-bought pizza this week, why not create your own- and put on plenty of veggie or vegan toppings that work for you and your family!

What is your favourite vegetarian meal idea? Do you think you’ll try some vegetarian meal ideas this National Vegetarian Week? Do you enjoy choosing veggie options?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

80 thoughts

  1. These are great ideas. I am not a vegetarian but I am trying to eat less meat because of the environmental impact. One of my favourite things is vegetarian chili. It’s tasty and I don’t miss the meat at all. I love stir fry too. Cashews are a great protein-filled addition.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love these ideas! I struggle so much with thinking of things to cook.

    I’m not a veggie but I defo want to cut down my meat consumption so these suggestions are great, thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Eleanor. Thanks for these recipes – more for me and my wife to add to our Meat-free Monday meals list 🙂 I have to say that I’m always amazed at just how enjoyable I find veg when it is incorporated into a stir fry dish!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Apparently I’m incredibly hungry, because the entire time I was reading this article, my stomach was growling. All of these recipes sound delicious. I love halloumi so much! Now I want to try making fried halloumi for myself at home!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All of these recipes look sooo amazing! I’ve never tried halloumi but I really want to! It’s on my to-buy list next time I do groceries. I had no idea it was national vegetarian week this week! perfect time since I’ve been cutting down on meat consumption. Thanks for sharing, Eleanor xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

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  6. These are all such wonderful ideas! I’m not a vegetarian but my best friend is vegan and I like to make dinner for her sometimes. I also love a good veggie burger myself. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are all such great ideas! I love finding out new recipe ideas, and these vegetarian suggestion are brilliant. Stir fry has always been my go-to meal when I don’t know what to have though and I absolutely love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oddly enough, I’ve started eating more veggie meals over the last year. Alan and Flora are both confirmed carnivores but when they have steak, I have falafels. And our local farm shop does the most amazing mushroom and halloumi burger, which I always have. It’s hard to cook veggie meals for one and meat meals for the other two, but I like the sound of the DIY pizza option, that’s very do-able, thank you! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fantastic, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying more vegetarian options in the past year 🙂 Omg that sounds amazing, I’d love to try that! Thank you so much for your kind words Lisa x


  9. I’m not quite vegetarian but close. These are solid no meat meals for sure. Stir fry is probably the top choice for a proper and simple meal. I’m not a fan of the “beyond meat” food group. I will take a traditional vegetarian burger over a pretend meat burger every time. Thanks for sharing,


  10. Oh wow! These are all lovely ideas, but I love veggie burger the most! Adding sweet potato fries sounds really yummy! I’ll definitely try this. Thanks for sharing x


  11. I didn’t know it was actually national vegetarian week! We try to eat more veggie stuff during the week and the ideas are never enough! The stir fry and halloumi and chips sound great! We usually make some mushroom tacos from one of Ottolenghi’s books and they are the bomb! x


  12. I love this post so much. Kinda sad that I didn’t know it was national vegetarian week and I’m vegetarian 😂. I’m so happy I saw veggie burgers here, I love a good Linda McCartney mozzarella burger or just a bean burger. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I LOVE all of these ideas! I’ve never really had fajitas before but I’m definitely going to check out the recipe. Halloumi burgers are the best 😍 I had one a couple of weeks back on the beach and it did not disappoint. As a vegetarian, I miss hotdogs so every now and then I’ll have a Linda McCartney sausage in a French baguette – so good. Love love love this post xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are delicious, I definitely recommend! That sounds gorgeous, I can’t wait to get back to the beach one day 🙂 Ooh that’s a great suggestion- Linda McCartney sausages are so good as well so that’s the perfect way to stop missing hotdogs. Thank you so much Caroline x

      Liked by 1 person

  14. There are very few things that fill my soul with joy more than a cooked breakfast, this post is full of so many glorious vegetarian ideas, we all feel motivated to get cooking, fabulous work!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I am not a vegetarian, but I always gravitate to meat-free, dishes. There is so much you can do with vegetables, isn’t there? Love the suggestions in this pot, so I will definitely be giving some of these a go!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    Liked by 1 person

  16. All these meal ideas sound so delicious! I’m not a vegetarian but I try to reduce the amount of meat I eat each week so these are some great, easy swaps I could make. Thanks for sharing! X

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Great post! Thank you for sharing this! These meal ideas sound really nice especially the halloumi and chips! I’m not a vegetarian but I try to have one vegetarian day a week and I would like to have some of these meal ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

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