4 Bloggers to Follow This May

AD – This post is sponsored by my advertisers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This month I am so excited to introduce 4 more amazing bloggers that you should check out in May.

I love finding new blogs to read, and this month I have a fantastic selection of personal development, lifestyle and academic blogs to read.

Joep: Think Well, Do Better

My first advertiser this month is the fantastic Joep, from Think Well, Do Better. I love his posts about forming positive habits and improving your happiness for a better life.

Young man in black and white stands with his arms crossed

Joep offers insight into how to deal with change and improve your self-awareness for a happier life.

I think it’s interesting that Joep discusses the Law of Attraction and all his posts are positive, uplifting and help his readers understand how to realise their dreams.

For more about Joep, connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest – and don’t forget to subscribe to his blog.

Zoë Allard: Positive Yet Cynical

I’m so excited to introduce the lovely Zoë from Positive Yet Cynical, a fantastic blog that discusses dating, mental health and life as a 30-something in the writing world!

Zoë writes brilliant posts about her mental health journey, tackling imposter syndrome and very important tips for dating someone who has anxiety.

She offers insight about how The Midnight Library helped her understand her mental health and the importance of fiction.

Young woman takes a selfie, she has short hair and tattoos

She also writes about PTSD and dating, and I think it’s so important that she openly shares her own experiences. I recommend connecting with Zoë on Twitter, and she is a very supportive member of the blogging community.

Dominique: Some Sources Say

My next advertiser this month is Dominique, a fantastic blogger who writes interesting and engaging articles about everything history.

She discusses events, periods and people of the past on her blog Some Sources Say, and as a history graduate, I love finding out a bit more about past times.

Logo for "Some Sources Say" blog, a yellow "S" on a blue background.

Dominique discusses a variety of topics, writing posts about events such as the Gunpowder Plot and providing fantastic book recommendations for all her readers.

This blog also showcases people from the past, such as Edward the Confessor and I loved her focus on female trailblazers during Women’s History Month.

As well as her regular posts, Dominique chooses monthly history topics. This May, her topic is about iconic buildings in Leeds. If you want to connect with Dominique, you can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Zac Thraves: The MI Experience

My final advertiser this month is Zac, who runs The MI Experience. He is a writer, performer and mental health activist.

He has dealt with depression for many years, and he uses his blog to promote a positive image of mental health awareness – and share his many experiences with others.

A man takes a selfie, he has wide eyes and is wearing suspenders.

He writes a wide range of posts and his blog posts contain a mixture of written and video content.

He discusses his mental health and journey with depression and shows others that is normal to experience ups and downs. Don’t forget to connect with him on Twitter and Instagram.

Have you read any of these blogs? Who are your favourite bloggers to read this May? What is your favourite thing about blogging?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

33 thoughts

  1. I don’t think I’ve come across any of these bloggers all there work, although I don’t have the best memory, especially for names. I’ll have to check these blogs out and see if any of them spark a memory

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve not heard of any of these bloggers so thank you for introducing them to me! I can’t wait to get to know them and their blogs better over this month and into the summer!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Most of these bloggers are new to me so I will definitely check them out! I love finding new bloggers to follow. 🙂


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