How to Make the Most of Women’s History Month

Today is International Women’s Day, and that means that the rest of the month is deemed “Women’s History Month”.

This is a time to learn about the female experience, celebrate what it means and understand the wide range of female struggles across the world.

And just because the world situation doesn’t allow us to go out and celebrate, there are still lots of ways we can make the most of this special month.

In this blog post, I’ve come up with how you can make the most of Women’s History Month this year!

Support Women’s Charities

This is a big one that can make a massive difference!

Supporting a charity that promotes women’s causes is fantastic- and it means that we get a little closer to aiding the progression and role of women in our society.

woman in black leather jacket holding green and white charity sign

I love that there are so many excellent charities out there, and I really recommend checking out this list for some key places to support.

Learn Something New

The best way to make the most of Women’s History Month is just to learn.

Learn about famous women from the past, or learn what people are doing to bring women’s issues to the forefront today.

I think in school we lack lessons about past female figures– and so this month take some time to learn a little more about the amazing women of the past.

And learning something new can be valuable to understanding the female experience.

Maybe you understand another woman’s story, or you have a chat to someone about how sexism or discrimination affects them.

Understanding more about someone’s life, attitude or experience is a great way to make the most of Women’s History Month.

Share Your Experience

This isn’t something everyone will want to do- and that’s okay!

However, sharing your experience is the best way to help others understand what it means to be you.

You don’t need to be able to celebrate in person in order to commemorate this special month, so get online or even chat to someone else about your experiences.

Calling attention to Women’s History Month is sharing an experience in itself, and I love seeing other people’s Women’s History Month posts.

I’m going to try and share as many ideas as possible throughout March!

Support Someone

There are so many ways to support others who are celebrating this month.

You could share someone’s article about their individual experience, encourage inclusivity for those who identify as women all across the world, sign a petition or help someone who is feeling low during these tough times.

female friends chat together- women's history month

To support another woman, you could also read books by female authors, buy from women-owned businesses or RT your favourite female blogger.

Get Involved!

Even with lockdown restrictions, there are ways to make the most of Women’s History Month celebrations.

You could join online tutorials or meetings, you could hold online celebrations with your friends and family and you could even run an event for others.

Normally during this month there would be marches, celebrations and meetings of like-minded individuals.

However, we can still use this time to celebrate the female experience from the comfort of our own homes!

How are you going to make the most of Women’s History Month? Do you have any plans? Do you have an experience you would like to share this month?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Picture credits here

77 thoughts

  1. Wonderful post! I wish there was more hype around international women’s day here. I understand we can’t do much due to COVID but there should be virtual events etc. But I’ve seen nothing like that. All I can do is read up on women’s history and educate others.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d like to add “boost up other women” as well 🙂 Whether that means sending a text to encourage a friend or sharing someone’s page on Instagram – it’s the little things that count (just as much as the big ones)! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely post! These are such great ideas 🙂 It’s the day we share, help, support, and encourage each others. Thank you for writing this x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Hayley 🙂 I agree, it’s so empowering to read about other inspirational women, or just support those close to us! That’s a great idea- I’m sure there are a few free online ones this year x


  5. I loved reading this! Thank you for sharing! Reading up on the history of women’s rights and some of the incredible women who sacrificed so much to get us to where we are today is so so important and so eye opening too!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love this! I’m fortunate to work in a very female heavy industry (even if men still hold a lot of the top positions), so I’m going to send some love to all of my female colleagues!

    Katie |

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are amazing suggestions! So often we forget that one of the best ways for us to honour one another, is to simply take the time to learn. Learn about the movement, past struggles and accomplishments and the women who have fought for the freedoms we now enjoy. Thank you so much for the reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m glad I’ve seen something advertising the action we can take! Sadly, it feels rather overshadowed this year, though it’s no less important, especially towards incorporated women’s voices into broader history year-round

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love all of these ideas Eleanor! I usually spend it at work, so this chance to have been home this year and I truly appreciated learning about women from the past and reading experiences instead of just scrolling on Instagram. Thank you so much for sharing this x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is actually really insightful! Thank you. Definitely some great ideas on how to keep the female force strong over the rest of the month! X

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Okay I love this! For people who don’t know where to begin, this post is such a great place to start on how to celebrate women’s month and support the women in your life. Thanks for sharing the charity list, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I like to donate to my local women’s shelter in March. I did some domestic violence volunteer work in college, and even though I’ve never been a victim of it, it’s a cause that I can get behind, especially this month. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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