Acne: what’s it all about?

Hey everyone!

Today I thought I’d do a post about acne, as I’ve noticed it’s a topic that lots of people are talking about, and it’s great to see it playing a greater role in the media.

My skin has been very up and down since secondary school, and while everyone experiences bad skin in different ways, it has always been an insecurity for me. I’m sure lots of people can relate to skin that goes from clear to flaring up in a matter of days, or watch it get progressively worse, only to clear up again all on its own.

Acne comes in all shapes and sizes, and while it can be painful, itchy, and annoying, it should never be something to be ashamed of. Some decide to take medication to tackle it, whereas others find home remedies and creams that help to manage the condition. Some people like to find ways to cover it up, whereas others choose not to wear make up. Everyone’s approach is different.

So today, I thought I would do a post about some of the “myths” surrounding acne- and maybe offer a few ideas that I’ve found have helped me manage it over the years.

Myth #1: People with acne are dirty

This is one that I see all the time, and I don’t understand it. If someone has acne, it does not mean they are dirty, or that they don’t wash their face. In fact, if someone has acne they probably have a regimented skin care routine. It probably takes them twice as long to clean and moisturise their face every morning, and so we definitely need to move away from this ridiculous myth.

Myth #2: Acne is “easy” to manage

This could not be further from the truth. Many people have to deal with the tough side effects of acne medications before they see any difference in their skin, and it can be a real struggle.

For lots of people, having acne is no small thing, as many experience a lack of confidence or self-esteem because of their skin, and so it shouldn’t be down-played as nothing more than occasionally having a few spots.

Myth #3: People with acne must have a bad diet

Medical professionals are still unsure how far diet has an impact on your skin. But while eating poorly may lead to more break outs for some people, it is wrong to assume that people with acne must eat badly.

Many people who experience acne have cut out different food groups from their diet in an effort to work out if there is a link between their food and their skin, and I know people who have gone vegan, vegetarian, gluten/free and dairy free, often all in vain.


Here are some ways that I’ve found have helped me manage my acne. I know I’m lucky that my flare-ups aren’t nearly as bad as some people experience, and so I’m sure these tips won’t be helpful to everyone, but these are a few things I’ve been trying recently.

Tip #1: Put a barrier between your skin and your make up

I know very little about make up and beauty products, but I am in a vicious cycle of wearing make up to cover up my skin, but then of course that same make up is clogging my pores, making my skin worse. So a tip to avoid this is putting a barrier between the make up (such as foundation) and your skin. I use a simple moisturiser under my foundation, and I’ve found that this makes a real difference.

Tip #2: Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known to have a great properties for your skin, and that’s why avocado is used so liberally in face masks and skincare routines. So I’ve been trying to eat more vitamin E, and I also found some make up wipes that contain the vitamin. These are great for removing make up, as well as making sure my skin gets a boost of vitamin E.

Tip #3: Avoid spreading flare-ups

This one might sound simple, but if you’re anything like me it’s something that often gets forgotten. Wash your make-up brushes really regularly to avoid spreading bacteria, and keep your hair away from your face as often as possible to avoid excess oil congregating in areas where you’re prone to break outs. I’ve also found that washing my hands after using my phone or keyboard has made a slight difference, as these surfaces can build up a large amount of bacteria.


Acne is a difficult thing to manage, and I completely relate to anyone who is struggling to find skincare routine which works for them. I’m still on that journey, and it can be tough. Everyone’s skin is different, and whether you have constant acne, or the occasional flare up, it can make you feel insecure and different to other people- especially if you feel like you’re surrounded by clear-skinned people.

But it’s not something to be ashamed of, and the increasing presence of people experiencing acne in the media is helping to change the way we view acne. I hope to see more representation of this in the media, to help people feel less alone in their experiences!

Do you often hear any “myths” about acne? Do you have any treatment recommendations ? What do you think of my suggestions?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading!

Picture credits here

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

40 thoughts

  1. This is a great post! Well done. The big tip I have is getting into the habit of going to a dermatologist every year. They are the true experts and can help everyone with acne, other skin problems, and solutions. I go every year for a skin check, since I have such fair skin, skin cancer runs in my family, and I’ve had several pre-cancerous moles removed from my back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! That’s a great tip- and so important if (like you say) there’s a medical reason to go, as they are the true experts! Thanks for dropping by Laura, take care 🙂


  2. Great post! I personally find that I only ever get break outs if I stray from my daily cleansing routine, or eat too much junk. If i eat greasy food i tend to be more spotty than when my diet is balanced. That’s what ive noticed, although it very much depends on each individual 🙈

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing! There’s some great advice here 🙂 Over the last few years my acne has gotten particularly bad so I’ve been trying loads of different products and I’ve thankfully found a few that help. Washing your brushes makes such a big difference too – even though it’s something we quite often forget to do! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you’ve managed to find some products that help- it can be so tricky finding the right product for your skin tone! Washing my brushes is something I forget about all the time but you’re right- it makes all the difference!

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  4. Love this post! I have hormonal acne and find it SO hard to get rid of them on my chin. I’ve been using The Ordinary products recently which I’m loving (though my acne is still there) and washing my brushes more regular has helped me loads.

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  5. i loved this post, i find my skin starts to flair up when i’ve eaten too much junk or dairy so i tend to eat them in smaller amounts when i can 🙂

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  6. As someone who has struggled with acne for years, I’m so happy you addressed some of the misconceptions in this post! I’ve definitely had the same problem with the vicious cycle of makeup! I’m going to have a look into some vitamin E products now, thanks for the tip! – Hannah Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you! Wow that’s great- I’m glad it’s given you some self-confidence! I know that it would do my skin the world of good to not wear make up but I’m still building up the confidence. Thanks so much for dropping by- I’m glad you’ve managed to find some positives in this disturbing time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much! It can be so difficult to keep it controlled and constantly good, I’m at the point of accepting my skin haha! I hope they help, glad you’re feeling good at the moment 🙂


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