5 Tips to Find the Right Passion Project For You

AD – This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

A passion project is something you do purely for fun. It’s not work, it’s not studying – it’s a hobby or interest that brings you joy. You might start writing a book or take up gardening to enjoy time away from work.

In the past, I’ve put together 10+ activities to inject passion back into your life and I’ve discussed why you should start a passion project. But how do you find the right passion project for you? Let’s take a look!

How to find the right passion project for you

There are lots of ways to find the right hobby for you, including:

  1. Explore your interests
  2. Start small
  3. Consider your values
  4. Take a break from work
  5. Seek inspiration and motivation

Let’s take a look at these ideas in a little more detail…

1. Explore your interests

If you’re trying to find a fun passion project, it’s important to first explore your interests. These interests can help you work out how you want to spend your time away from work.

Try asking yourself questions like…

  • Do you want to develop a current skill, or learn something new?
  • Do you want to challenge yourself?
  • What hobbies have you enjoyed in the past?
  • What’s your favourite thing to do when work finishes?
  • Do you want to be creative?
  • Do you want to get active?

That’s not to say your passion project can’t be something completely different from your usual interests. It might be a new interest you want to explore.

You shouldn’t be afraid to try out different things before finding the right passion project for you. Explore local clubs, talk to other people for inspiration or try different creative activities before you settle on something you enjoy.

2. Start small

Don’t run before you can walk. Plan out small ways to introduce your passion project into your routine. You could take a gardening course or go to a local art group to get started.

You don’t want to invest too much time or money in something until you’re sure it’s something you want to do, so start small by easing yourself into your new passion project.

scrabble tiles "find your fire"

Once you’ve got going, the world’s your oyster! Some passion projects may eventually become something you get paid to do, such as writing for your blog or playing a musical instrument.

However, you can’t get there without starting small. It’s also worth noting that once you’re paid to do something, you need to find another passion project. Your project should always be something you do for fun, pressure-free.

3. Consider your values

If you’re looking for a passion project that works for you, you need to find something that fits with your values. You might want to grow your garden to support your local ecosystem or write blog posts about your activist work.

Don’t choose something just because you think it’ll look good – or because other people are doing it. Think about how your passion project fits with your own personality and interests. That’s the only way you’ll find a hobby that actually works for you!

You could also think about how your passion project supports your job, as your work and your personal life go hand in hand. For example, writing fiction gives me a greater appreciation for writing, even though it’s very different from my client work.

4. Take a break from work

Your passion project should be a much-needed break from work. Whether you work as a translator or content writer, you should choose something that lets your mind focus on something different.

You could…

Your passion project doesn’t have to be something completely different to your job. For example, I work on my fiction at the weekend, even though I’m a writer.

However, I do that purely for fun – and it’s a different skill to writing content for my clients. No one pays me, and I do it on my own schedule.

5. Seek inspiration and motivation

If you want to find the right passion project for you, it can help to seek inspiration from other people or resources.

Discuss your project with someone else or look for groups that will bring inspiration and motivation as you explore a new interest.

neon sign "do something great"

Me and my Mum meet on a regular basis to discuss our writing projects. This gets me thinking about my book idea – and I always come back with a million new ideas.

Do you have any tips to find the right passion project for you? What’s your favourite hobby? Do you like to try out different passion projects?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

15 thoughts

  1. These tips are great, and will really help anyone looking to find a passion projects to start. Mine is currently my blog, and it brings me so much purpose and joy, it’s a very fulfilling thing to have something that we love to do or experience. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, good pointers for someone who’s getting started with discovering their passion. I’d also add ‘try different things’ because that’s how I’ve found a lot of creative projects I love these days. Like podcasting, it was completely random, I didn’t even know what I’d say but there was nothing to lose so I just went for it and it’s taken off surprisingly well ^_^

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have to start out small to get back to my favorite hobbies. Doing this kept me from feeling overwhelmed. I enjoyed doing the activities since I took the pressure off myself.

    Liked by 1 person

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