How to Reach Your Goals: Mål Paper Planner

I love to set myself “blogging goals”, and I’ve seen lots of great posts by bloggers who publish their goals in order to hold themselves accountable for their blogging progress.

These days with so much going on, it can be so hard to make productive efforts to reach our goals- whether they’re long-term, or just a simple to-do list for the day.

So today, I’m so excited to review a planner which allows people to do just that, helping people meet their lofty goals, and aspire to improve their productivity from day to day.

This is the perfect journal for ambitious graduates looking for job opportunities, bloggers who want to keep track of their progress, or even busy parents who want to put aside some time to work on their own personal goals.

I’ve really enjoyed using this planner in the past few days, and I’m super excited to continue using it to improve my productivity and reach my goals.

If you’re interested in purchasing one of these gorgeous planners for yourself, make sure to check out the discount code and link at the bottom of the page!

This is a gifted review. I received this product in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links, meaning I earn a small amount of commission. All thoughts are my own, and any purchases are greatly appreciated!

What is the Mål Paper Planner?

The black *Mål Paper Planner is a gorgeous goal journal, which can be used to keep track of any goals, ambitions, or aims.

This planner starts with a bit about the diary, describing different theories on how users can reach their goals, such as how to create SMART goals and understanding the importance of long-, medium-, and short-term goals.

I liked that the planner included a bit about how to effectively meet your goals, as this advice makes it a little different from other diaries.

The Mal Paper Journal with a motivational leaflet.
The journal came with lovely business cards with cute sayings and inspirational words.

After the advice and information about the most productive way to use this planner, the journal is then split into several key sections.

The sections are set out simply, with plenty of room to write in your own dates, times, and notes depending on how much information you want to note down.

The main sections of this planner (in order) are:

  1. Space for noting long-term, medium, and short goals
  2. Monthly goal planner
  3. Weekly goal planner
  4. Daily goal planner
  5. Note paper (including lined and dotted paper)
  6. 2020/21 calendar

Despite the inclusion of a 2020/21 calendar, this *planner can be started any month in any year, and I love how the monthly/weekly/daily planners leave the user to fill it in as they choose- without date restrictions. This means if I miss a day, I don’t have to mess up the planner, and it gives me freedom to make notes as I choose.

The cover of the Mal Paper Journal and a pencil.
This beautiful journal has a gorgeous, good quality cover and paper.

What do I like about this planner?

I really like this *planner– it’s gorgeous and beautiful, but also simple in design and practical to use. I love that it blends aesthetically-pleasing design with practical space for writing.

I’m typically quite a messy person, and so I’m glad there’s plenty of space to edit and add notes, and the spacious, open pages allow for detailed scribbles about your important ambitions.

I also love that there are inspirational quotations throughout the planner.

The Mal Paper Journal, open at a motivational quotation page.
I love how the sections are broken up with quotations from inspirational figures.

On each day of the daily planner, there is room to write something you feel grateful for, and space for affirmations. I also love that there is space to write something good that’s happened during the day- it’s clear that this planner aims to encourage both mindful and productive habits, which I love.

The Mal Paper Journal open to a goals page.
This planner includes lots of space for your goals, aspirations, and to-do list for the day.

I’m going to use this planner to track my blogging goals, and it’ll be great for managing my monthly viewing goals, for example.

I love keeping track of how many views I have each month (and how many I’d like to aim for) so this will be a great way for me to keep on top of everything and make sure I’m making the progress I want!

But even if you’re not a blogger, this planner is great for planning your goals, deciding where you want to be, and reminding yourself of what you’ve already achieved.

The Mal Paper Panner open to a calendar page.
The journal has a lovely, open monthly planner. You can already see the scribbled notes I’ve started to make!

This *journal has lovely paper and it has a gorgeous cover. Costing just over £20, this is a good quality diary and definitely worth the price in my opinion. As well as good quality cover material and paper, I love how the start of the planner includes detailed information about how to plan for the future.

On a more practical note, the planner arrived super fast and so I was super impressed by the delivery time (UK).

The Mal Paper Planner open to a goals page.
There’s a space to note down long-, medium- and short-term goals right at the start of the journal, so you know exactly what you’re aiming for in the future.

Who would I recommend this planner for?

I love that you can add whatever dates you like into this diary, and so while it is aimed at users for 2020/21, it is possible to use it even this late in this year.

This would make a lovely gift for someone who’s enjoying using bullet-journals at the moment, or it would make a lovely addition to any busy blogger’s organised schedule.

This planner is also great for someone who is goal-orientated and motivated.

If you’re all about self-improvement, reaching your goals, and improving your productivity- then this is definitely the planner for you!

The Mal Paper Planner open to a dotted paper page, where users can doodle etc.
The inclusion of dotted paper reminds me of beautiful bullet journal I’ve seen elsewhere.

Where can you find this planner?

Do you fancy buying one of these gorgeous planners?

Follow this *link to buy your own.

And as an added bonus, if you enter *BRSPECIAL15 at the checkout, you can get 15% off!

Mal Paper Planner with a radio and water bottle in the background.

Do you use a planner to keep track of your productivity and goals? Would you use this journal? How do you like to practise self-improvement?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

53 thoughts

  1. That sounds like a great planner to keep you both organised and inspired! I like the idea of the different sections and that the planner is encouraging productivity in a simple way!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww so lovely planner! I also use planner together with digital planner. They keep me stay organised for both my work and blog. Thank you for this post xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that planner! I had never heard of it before but I feel like I would really benefit from this. I love the minimalist look of it and that it’s just black and white. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love my Mal planner, I think it’s such a handy thing to have, especially with all the different sections. Thank you for sharing your review, I always like to here other people’s opinions on it!

    Em x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This looks like a great planner for those who are looking to actively work towards their goals and dreams. I am a huge believer in the power of planning and writing down your goals, and this looks like it’s laid out perfectly to plan out the best course of action. Nothing beats a good planner! Right?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really like the minimalistic style of this particular planner. It’s super appealing. I swear by paper planners. I can’t live without mine! They make blog work (and just life in general) so much simpler and more organized. Glad you shared this.

    Liked by 1 person

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