Top 5 Literary/Film Romances

Welcome back for another post 🙂

I love losing myself in a romantic novel or film- and there are some truly amazing fictional couples out there! Everyone has their favourite romance when it comes to books and films, and I am no exception.

In this post, I’ve come up with 5 of my favourite fictional romances from books and films- but don’t forget to let me know if you think there’s any I should be adding to my list!

1. Eleanor and Park

Okay, so I know this is one that everyone knows- but if you’ve read the book you just can’t help loving these two! For those of you who haven’t read ‘Eleanor and Park’ by Rainbow Rowell, these two characters are beyond cute and their romance just makes you want to smile.

Eleanor and Park are what would be described as ‘misfits’ but when they find each other it results in a lovely romance. I think I’ve read this book about three times now and the romance still gets me every time!

2. Demelza and Ross

I think these two characters would have to be my all time favourite characters anyway- but when they come together it’s so romantic. Demelza and Ross feature in Winston Graham’s series of books about the Poldark family, an aristocratic family who live in Cornwall.

The way Winston Graham creates these characters makes them instantly likeable. Their romance experiences real problems and the characters are flawed- but you can’t help but love the chemistry between the two characters.

3. Sarah and Derek

After watching the film ‘Save the Last Dance‘ at a friend’s house, I couldn’t not include this couple! Sarah and Derek are very different and they come from very different worlds, which makes their romance tricky and realistic- but still very cute.

Sarah is a ballet dancer who moves to a new high school full of people completely different to her. At first, she finds it difficult to fit in and Derek agrees to help her. This involves, among other things, teaching Sarah how to dance ‘hip hop’ and how to slouch in a chair as the other students do.

I love the actor Julia Stiles and thought there was great chemistry between Derek and Sarah in a way that made their romance adorable to watch.

4. Elizabeth and Darcy

This is clearly an old one- and everyone loves Elizabeth and Darcy, but I couldn’t resist putting this couple on my list! I must confess, I still haven’t read ‘Pride and Prejudice’. It has been one of those books that I’ve wanted to read since forever, but I still haven’t got round to it.

However, I have seen the television series and love it to bits. I love the romance between Elizabeth and Darcy- the way they argue but still love each other is brilliant to watch on-screen.

5. Mary and Jem

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Daphne Du Maurier and I recently finished ‘Jamaica Inn‘- a tale of smugglers and suspicion. But what I loved about the book was the romance that ran all the way through it.

The fact that Jem was a ‘criminal’ and was supposedly dangerous just made him all the more exciting as a character. I loved the ending of this book and it was one of those endings that made me smile and breathe a sigh of relief!

What are your favourite literary/ film romances? Do you enjoy reading romantic stories? What do you think of the romances I’ve discussed?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

Author: Not-So-Modern-Girl

I’m Eleanor, welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a freelance content writer and book lover from Yorkshire. On my blog, I write about life as a 20-something, including posts about freelance life, blogging, book reviews and more. I also write resources for bloggers and writers on my Gumroad account. Check out my links below or connect with me on social media!

11 thoughts

  1. I haven’t read ANY of the books you mentioned (E&P is so high on my TBR, I’m getting to it soon!!)! Though of course I’ve seen Save the Last Dance :D. I have heard lovely things about Rebecca so that’s on my TBR, too. I know you’re talking about Jamaica Inn in this book, but does Rebecca have a romance in it?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, Save the Last dance is brilliant, it was actually me fangirlling about that film when I came home from my friend’s house that made me want to write this post! Rebecca is such a great book, think that’s going to be my next review, it’s one of my favourites! Rebecca does have a romance in it, yes, but there’s also a lot more going on that kind of draws away from the romance. It’s a difficult book to describe, but it’s really great! 🙂


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