10 Questions for a Blogger: Not-So-Modern-Girl Q&A

I’ve had so much support for my posts about blogging, such as my blogging story and what I’ve learned during my time as a blogger.

So today I thought I would answer a few questions about myself, my blog and my blogging journey – all of them asked by you!

I had such a brilliant response to the tweets I posted asking for questions to ask a blogger – I’ve included as many of them as I could.

Question 1: Why did you start blogging, and what keeps you going?

Thank you for this question, Anita. I started this blog because I’ve always loved to write- and I wanted to find a place I could write down my thoughts about books, films, and topics that were on my mind. And what keeps me going is simple- I love it!

Even while I try to build my blog into something I can earn a little money from, blogging never feels like a chore to me and it’s the thing I look forward to the most everyday.

Truth be told, my 2020 would have been much more difficult without it.

Question 2: What’s your favourite thing to write about?

This question came from Lauren Ken, one of my favourite bloggers! And I think this is a brilliant question, as for me I love to write about anything and everything.

On my blog, my favourite posts to write are personal ones- about my blogging journey, or just about the life of a 20-something graduate.

But I’ve also written articles for other sites and publications as it’s one of my favourite things to do- and so I really do love writing about everything.

Question 3: What is the underlying message/theme of your blog?

Thank you to Jeanine for this question. I first started my blog as a book blog, and have since moved more towards lifestyle and entertainment posts.

I think now I would consider my theme “lifestyle” and I like how broad that is as a niche- it can encompass blogging posts (which I love writing) and also means that I can continue to write posts about relevant TV series’ and films that I love!

Question 4: What do you prioritise on your blog when life gets super busy?

Great question from Ellie! When I was very busy with University, I definitely neglected my blog! But when I did blog during busy spells, I prioritised writing content above all else.

I love that when I have time, I can engage on social media- but I definitely prioritise writing above all else when I’m busy.

Question 5: What’s the main goal you would like to accomplish this year?

This is a brilliant question from Lauren and Lottie. I have lots of goals for my blog this year! I’d like to create a product for bloggers, such as an ebook or template.

I would also like to earn more from my blog, and gain more sponsored opportunities in the coming months. In terms of numbers, I would like to beat my 2020 yearly views- and I would like to try and reach at least 8k Twitter followers.

A planner with "2021" sits on a desk, including a few pieces of stationery.
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com

Question 6: Has blogging ever affected you in a negative way? If so, how did you bounce back?

Thank you to Damion for this question. This one made me think. To be honest- especially for the past year- blogging has been one of my favourite things to do.

I think the main source of negativity is when I feel unmotivated. I think as a blogger, you experience times when you are super creative, and times when you have a bit of a lull in ideas or engagement.

But usually I just wait for things to bounce back of their own accord, or try my best to find inspiration.

Question 7: What’s your favourite blog post you’ve written?

Thank you Jo for this question 🙂 I think my favourite blog post is my post about 21 Things I’ve Learned From 2020 as it was really fun to reflect on my 21 years.

Plus I wrote it during the rare good times of 2020 when I could start seeing my boyfriend again and things were a little less restricted- so I liked sharing that one!

Question 8: What’s one life lesson you’ve learned from blogging?

This question came from the lovely Della. I think one life lesson I’ve learned is that writing is a fantastic outlet.

This year, I’ve used blogging to distract myself from the situation in the world, and writing/blogging is just the perfect outlet to express myself- and also keep myself busy!

Question 9: Who do you write for? What does your audience look like in your head when you write?

I love Laura’s question- thank you! I had to think about this one, because it’s interesting to think about what my audience looks like when they’re reading my posts.

I think at the moment I imagine someone like me- someone navigating the blogging world, interested in similar hobbies to me, and enjoying the subjects that different blogs have to offer.

I think I imagine a mainly female audience- but I get such a wide-range of readers- and I love that I get comments from people all over the world and in different stages of their life. It makes blogging so interesting.

Question 10: If you could invite 3 celebrities around for dinner, who would you pick?

I love this fun question from Tash to end with! I love Taylor Swift- and she seems like she’d be fun to have around, so I would definitely invite her.

I also love ‘Gilmore Girls’ so I might have to invite Lauren Graham. I think she’d have some interesting things to say, and I love her book.

I think I would also invite the author Celeste Ng- I’m currently reading her book ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ and I think if my Mum came along we could all have some lively discussions.

A dinner party, 8 people sit around a table and eat lunch from plates.
Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

That was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who asked me a question and shared their thoughts, I loved writing these answers and I hope you enjoyed reading them.

What questions for a blogger would you ask? Do you agree with my answers? Have you done a Q&A on your blog?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Happy reading x

73 thoughts

  1. These are really insightful questions (and answers) about blogging. I always feel comforted that other writers think/feel or experience similar things to me and that there are so many things we have in common. It’s a nice community to be a part of! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this🙌🏽

    Same as you, I love writing and that’s what motivates me to post on my blog. Pure love for words. Celeste Ng and Taylor Swift —yes, yes, yes!! 🧡 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you hit on a great point about blogging, how it can both save you and wear you out and how your perspective on it can change from one day to the next. It’s not for those who give up easily, and I’m looking forward to the content you come up with in the year ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This was so great to get to know more about you! I hope you achieve all your 2020 goals that you set out for yourself! Taylor Swift would be such a great dinner guest, that would be such a great dinner with such different people.
    Thank you for the entertaining read and for letting us know more about you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This was such an enjoyable read. I really like this concept of having your readers interview you. It brought a very interactive and personal feel to this post. I agree that blogging can be such a creative outlet and refuge despite all that is going on in the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It was great learning more about you & your blog! I also loved your answer to question 10!
    I started my blog as a beauty blog & I’ve since expanded to lifestyle & I like how broad the lifestyle niche is too.
    I also prioritized writing new posts whenever I was busy & everything else went on the backburner.
    I hope you can reach your goals for your blog this year!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I enjoy reading blog posts like this as you can gain so much insight into the blogger behind the blog. I hope you accomplish your 2021 goals!

    I love number 8, as I have used blogging as a positive outlook to distract myself from the world as well.

    Thank you for sharing your honest answers. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love posts like this and getting to know more about the blogger behind the posts. It’s been interesting to read about your journey! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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